intitle:"index of /" ssh

  • 日期:2019-01-25
  • 类别:
  • 作者:FlyingFrog
  • 语法:intitle:"index of /" ssh
  • AUTHOR: FlyingFrog
    Twitter: @ItsKarl0z

    ++ All sorts of Websites (a lot of colleges) ++

    intitle:"index of /" ssh

    Data you find:
        - Webserver Version
        - SSH Version
        - SSH Keys
        - SSH Logins
        - SSH .exe files

    I found a lot of servers using < SSH 1.4.*
    These are usually +5 years old and full of security holes
    A search in Exploit DB for SSH 1. turns up +40.000 exploits for these
    some may work.

    ++ 55 500 results at the time of writing ++

    The vulnerabilities are suggestions, none of them have been tested by me,
    always request permission before testing anything on someone else system.