dll注入器 – RemoteDLL V2

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2:NtCreateThread [Good for DLL Injection across sessions on Vista/Windows 7]
3:QueueUseAPC [Delayed Injection]作者称从V1升级到V2版本花了五年时间,新版本支持了win8系统。

dll注入器 – RemoteDLL V2

V2版本更新内容:1:Inject DLL into Remote Process even across Session boundaries
2:Remove DLL from Remote Process completely.
3:Supports multiple Injection methods including CreateRemoteThread, NTCreateThread, QueueUserAPC
Works with ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) by dynamically calculating addresses.
4:Advanced Process List with detailed process information like PID, Session, ASLR, DEP, Username etc.
5:Fully Portable. Also comes with Installer for local installation/un-installation.
6:Works on all Windows systems starting from Windows 2K to Windows 8目前该版本不支持64位系统,作者正在开发,本站会进一步更新内容。

