# Exploit Title: intitle:"index of" "onetoc2" "one" # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" "onetoc2" "one" # Date: 04/06/2015 # Exploit Author: Sphearis # Vendor Homepage: NA # Software Link: ...
# Exploit Title: intitle:"index of" "onetoc2" "one" # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" "onetoc2" "one" # Date: 04/06/2015 # Exploit Author: Sphearis # Vendor Homepage: NA # Software Link: ...
随着高清屏幕、高分辨率屏幕越来越流行,例如MacBook Retina机型、iPad Air系列,这些新生机器有着很高的PPI,对网页的清晰度要求很高,所以越来越多的站长都不得不面临一个问题,那就是把自己的网站做到高分辨率适配 (Retina-Ready)。因为低清的网页在高分辨率屏幕上看起来很糟糕,对用户体验是一个很大的损害。相反,高分辨率适配的网站看...
以一个学习的心态来对待PHP后门程序,很多PHP后门代码让我们看到程序员们是多么的用心良苦。 强悍的PHP一句话后门 这类后门让网站、服务器管理员很是头疼,经常要换着方法进行各种检测,而很多新出现的编写技术,用普通的检测方法是没法发现并处理的。今天我们细数一些有意思的PHP一句话木马。 利用404页面隐藏PHP小马 ...
原文由 sec[90sec] 分享 本文原件由0x童鞋收集整理,感谢0x童鞋,本人补充和优化了点,本文毫无逻辑可言,因为是想到什么就写了,大家见谅。 本着共享之精神,方便各位黑阔、童鞋,发表此文,希望抛砖引玉,童鞋们踊跃发言。使之更加完善,在交流中进步,形成良好的...
WebVision 2.1 (news.php n) Remote SQL Injection: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/9193
Powered by Bariatric AdvantageAdmin Login:Admin login pages for what looks like an inhouse eshop. No obvious public exploits but I'm sure there is a way WinkMore info found here:h**p://catalinalifesciences.com/ Credit to cp for the clean up
This query searches for files that have been renamed to a .bak extension (obviously), but includes a search for the characters "sa" (default SQL server admin id) and "createobject" which is requisite VBScript for opening some s...
This query reveals an .asp script which can often be used to send anonymous emails from fake senders. When combined with a proxy, the usefulness of these scripts is obvious!
This query shows pages which summarise activity on PHPBT-powered BitTorrent trackers - all the torrents currently being "tracked".This is useful to people who want to find active BitTorrent trackers for downloading - including ones which...