Finds PHP error logs Dxtroyer
this one is for fortinet firewalls login web based . thanks #th3jackers
Finds a whole load of different application logs (with errors!) Dxtroyer
Some nice error messages that give you WAY too much info. Dxtroyer
Also here are more different uploaded shell names. inurl:"?filesrc=//" "Upload" ~admin -Xploit
Extensive list of shell backdoors implimented on websites. inurl:/\\filesrc=**** ~"Current" ~":/" ~"upload" -codex -smashingmagazine -'pub' -'public' -'mp3' -fossies -websvn -svn -git -lo...
Dork for Panels ARRIS Router. Enjoy healthy. Dork made by Rootkit Pentester.
以Dash为例-Dash 3.x [SP].app Special K for Sierra Utility工具方法 打开Special K for Sierra。 按照提示引导安装Command line tools。(如果没有弹出提示,说明已经安装过,忽略这一步) 这时候会弹出来一个选择界面,选择Special K工具,如:Dash 3.x [SP].app 即可。 这时候会弹出来第二个选择界面,选择要破解的程序,如...
傻瓜式自动方法 下载工具并解压: 工具:CORE 提取密码:urji 打开CORE,在弹出的选择窗口中选取要 运行的 Keygen 程序,成功后会提示SUCCESS,这时候就可以打开 Keygen 了 命令行操作方法 下载工具并解压: 工具 提取密码:bpmw 左上角苹果图标进入系统偏好设置-键盘-快捷键-服务(侧边栏选择)勾...
This finds some files with juicy information about Windows servers. Dork: "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\sota\FFFTP]" filetype:reg -Gee