SIEMENS Solid Edge ST4/ST5 SEListCtrlX – ActiveX SetItemReadOnly Arbitrary Memory Rewrite Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: rgod
    日期: 2013-05-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • SIEMENS Solid Edge ST4/ST5 SEListCtrlX ActiveX Control SetItemReadOnly
    Arbitrary Memory Rewrite Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    tested against: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 r2 sp2
    Microsoft Windows XP sp3
    Microsoft Windows 7
    Internet Explorer 7/8
    software description:
    vendor site:
    download url:
    file tested: SolidEdgeV104ENGLISH_32Bit.exe
    the mentioned software installs an ActiveX control with 
    the following settings:
    ActiveX settings:
    ProgID: SELISTCTRLX.SEListCtrlXCtrl.1
    CLSID: {5D6A72E6-C12F-4C72-ABF3-32F6B70EBB0D}
    binary path: C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST4\Program\SEListCtrlX.ocx
    Safe For Scripting (Registry): True
    Safe For Initialization (Registry): True
    This control exposes the SetItemReadOnly() method, see typelib:
    /* DISPID=14 */
    	function SetItemReadOnly(
    		/* VT_VARIANT [12]*/ $hItem,
    		/* VT_BOOL [11]*/ $bReadOnly 
    By setting to a memory address the first argument
    and the second one to 'false' you can write a NULL
    byte inside an arbitrary memory region.
    By setting to a memory address the first argument
    and the second one to 'true' you can write a \x08
    byte inside an arbitrary memory region.
    Example crash:
    EAX 61616161
    ECX 0417AB44
    EDX 01B7F530
    EBX 0000000C
    ESP 01B7F548
    EBP 01B7F548
    ESI 0417A930
    EDI 027D5DD0 SEListCt.027D5DD0
    EIP 033FD158 control.033FD158
    C 0ES 0023 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
    P 1CS 001B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
    A 0SS 0023 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
    Z 1DS 0023 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
    S 0FS 003B 32bit 7FFD9000(4000)
    T 0GS 0000 NULL
    D 0
    O 0LastErr ERROR_SUCCESS (00000000)
    EFL 00010246 (NO,NB,E,BE,NS,PE,GE,LE)
    ST1 empty 3.3760355862290856960e-4932
    ST2 empty +UNORM 48F4 00000000 00000000
    ST3 empty -2.4061003025887744000e+130
    ST4 empty -UNORM C198 00000000 00000000
    ST5 empty 0.0
    ST6 empty 1633771873.0000000000
    ST7 empty 1633771873.0000000000
     3 2 1 0E S P U O Z D I
    FST 4000Cond 1 0 0 0Err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(EQ)
    FCW 027FPrec NEAR,53Mask1 1 1 1 1 1
    Call stack of thread 000009B8
    AddressStackProcedure / arguments Called from Frame
    01B7F54C 027D5DF3 control.?SetItemReadOnly@SEListCtrl@@QAEXPAVSEListItem@@H@Z SEListCt.027D5DED 01B7F548
    01B7F560 787FF820 Includes SEListCt.027D5DF3mfc100u.787FF81E01B7F55C
    01B7F56C 78807BF5 mfc100u.787FF810mfc100u.78807BF001B7F618
    01B7F61C 78808312 ? mfc100u.78807A5Bmfc100u.7880830D01B7F618
    vulnerable code, inside the close control.dll:
    		Align	4
    		push	ebp
    		mov	ebp,esp
    		mov	eax,[ebp+08h]
    		test	eax,eax
    		jz 	L1011D15C
    		cmp	dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000000h
    		jz 	L1011D158
    		or	dword ptr [eax+2Ch],00000008h <-------------------- it crashes here
    		pop	ebp
    		retn	0008h
    		and	dword ptr [eax+2Ch],FFFFFFF7h <-------------------- or here 
    		pop	ebp
    		retn	0008h
    As attachment, code to reproduce the crash.
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