# Exploit Title: [ruubikcms v1.1.1 Stored XSS]
# Google Dork: [powered by ruubikcms]
# Date: [2013-6-5]
# Exploit Author: [expl0i13r]
# Vendor Homepage: [http://www.ruubikcms.com/]
# Software Link: [http://www.ruubikcms.com/ruubikcms/download.php?f=ruubikcms111.zip]
# Version: [1.1.1]
# Tested on: [Windows 7]
# Contact: expl0i13r@gmail.com
RuubikCMS is an open source website content management tool which is designed to be user-friendly for both the end-user and the webmaster.
ruubikcms v1.1.1 suffers fromStored XSS vulnerability, when parsing user input to the 'name' parameter via POST method through '/ruubikcms/ruubikcms/cms/index.php'.
Attackers can exploit these weaknesses to execute arbitrary HTML and script code
in a user's browser session.
Tested on : Windows 7
Browsers: Chrome,Internet Explorer, Firefox
POC of the vulnerabilities :
Stored XSS Vulnerable URL's
---------------------------- [vulnerable : name] [vulnerable : name] [Vulnerable : name , siteroot][Vulnerable : firstname , lastname]
p@yl0ad : "><script>alert('h@cK3d by eXpl0i13r')</script>
Pagemanagement > Page name
1. Enter pAyl0ad : "><script>alert('h@cK3d by eXpl0i13r')</script> in:
"Page management" > "Page name" textbox
2. Refresh page and click on Free Pages and p0p up will come.
3. Also Click on tab "News" which will load our injected XSS code , it will be available in drop down menu : News > Link to page (optional)
# blackpentesters.blogspot.com [2013-6-5]
# infotech-knowledge.blogspot.com