InterWorx Control Panel 5.0.13 build 574 – ‘xhr.php?i’ SQL Injection

  • 作者: Eric Flokstra
    日期: 2014-03-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • =================================================
    Title: SQL injection in InterWorx Control Panel
    Product: InterWorx Web Control Panel
    Vendor: InterWorx LLC
    Tested Version: 5.0.13 build 574
    Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection [CWE-89]
    CVE Reference: CVE-2014-2531
    Solution Status: Fixed in Version 5.0.14 build 577
    Discovered and Provided: Eric Flokstra
    About the Vendor:
    The InterWorx Hosting Control Panel is a web hosting and linux server
    management system that provides tools for server administrators to
    command their servers and for end users to oversee the operations of
    their website.
    Advisory Details:
    SQL injection vulnerability in the InterWorx Web Control Panel.
    The InterWorx application stores its data in a MySQL-database. For
    interaction with the database dynamic queries are used. These queries
    are created by concatenating strings from the application with user
    input. However, the application does not perform proper validation or
    escaping of the supplied input in the 'i' parameter when sorting user
    accounts in NodeWorx, Siteworx and Resellers. Malicious users with
    access to this functionality can manipulate database queries to
    achieve other goals than the developers had in mind.
    The following requests can be used as proof of concept and demonstrate
    that user input is concatenated into a database query without proper
    validation or escaping. The payload in the first request checks
    whether the letter 'm' is the first letter of the database version.
    Since the database in use is MySQL this condition is true and the
    table is sorted by column ''. If the condition is false
    (request 2/letter t) the table is sorted by column 'nu.nickname'.
    Request 1:
    POST /xhr.php HTTP/1.1
    Request 2:
    POST /xhr.php HTTP/1.1
    Vendor contact timeline:
    21 Feb 2014: Vendor notification
    21 Feb 2014: Vulnerability confirmation
    17 Mar 2014: Issue patched
    25 Mar 2014: Public disclosure
    Upgrade to the latest version (5.0.14 build 577) of InterWorx Web Control Panel.
    [1] InterWorx Beta Channel -!
    [2] Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) -
    [3] Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) -