dotProject 2.1.3 – Multiple SQL Injections / HTML Injection Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Justin C. Klein Keane
    日期: 2010-01-07
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    dotProject is prone to multiple SQL-injection and HTML-injection vulnerabilities because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied input.
    An attacker may leverage the HTML-injection issues to execute arbitrary script code in the browser of an unsuspecting user in the context of the affected site. This may allow the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials, control how the site is viewed, and launch other attacks.
    The attacker may exploit the SQL-injection issues to compromise the application, access or modify data, or exploit latent vulnerabilities in the underlying database.
    dotProject 2.1.3 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.
    == Company ===
    The company creation screen fails to filter form details before creating
    a new company.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new company
    2.Click the 'Companies' link in the top navigation bar
    3.Click the 'new company' button in the upper right
    4.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for each field except for
    phone, phone2, and fax.These fields restrict the input size so simply
    put "<script>alert(&#039;1&#039;);</script>" in these fields.
    5.Click the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right hand corner
    6.On the resulting screen the company name XSS will appear.
    7.To view the other company XSS attacks browse to
    index.php?m=companies&a=view&company_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new
    company.Alternatively you can click on the &#039;Projects&#039; link in the top
    navigation then the &#039;new project&#039; button in the upper right.Create a
    new project, selecting the newly created company, which will appear as a
    blank choice in the company drop down list.Save the project and then
    in the project list click on the company name.
    Any user with the permissions to create new companies can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Project ===
    The project creation screen fails to filter form details before creating
    a new project.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new project
    2.Click the &#039;Projects&#039; link in the top navigation bar
    3.Click the &#039;new project&#039; button in the upper right
    4.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Project Name&#039;,
    &#039;URL&#039;, &#039;Starting URL&#039;, and &#039;Description&#039; fields
    5.Click the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right hand corner
    6.On the resulting screen the project name XSS will appear.
    7.To view the other project XSS attacks browse to
    index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new
    Any user with the permissions to create new projects can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Task ===
    The task creation screen fails to filter form details before creating a
    new task.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a task
    2.Click the &#039;Projects&#039; link in the top navigation bar
    3.Click on a project name to which the user account has permissions
    4.Click the &#039;new task&#039; button in the upper right
    5.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Task Name&#039;, &#039;Web
    Address&#039;, &#039;Description&#039;, and &#039;Description&#039; fields
    6.Click on the &#039;Dates&#039; tab and select an appropriate date
    7.Click the &#039;save&#039; button in the lower right hand corner
    8.On the resulting screen the task name XSS will appear.
    9.To view the other task summary XSS attacks browse to
    index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new task.
    Any user with the permissions to create new tasks can expose other users
    of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Task Log ===
    The task log creation screen fails to filter form details before
    creating a new task log.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a task
    2.Click the &#039;Tasks&#039; link in the top navigation bar
    3.Click on a task name to which the user account has permissions
    4.Click the &#039;New Log&#039; tab
    5.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Summary&#039;, and
    &#039;Description&#039; fields, enter ""><script>alert(&#039;log url&#039;);</script>" for
    the &#039;URL&#039; field
    6.Click the &#039;update task&#039; button in the lower right hand corner
    7.On the resulting screen the task name XSS will appear.
    8.To view the other task log XSS attacks browse to
    index.php?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the task.
    Any user with the permissions to create new task logs (virtually all
    dotProject users) can expose other users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Files ===
    The file attachment screen fails to filter form details before creating
    a new file attachment.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a file
    2.Click the &#039;Files&#039; link in the top navigation bar
    3.Click on a &#039;new folder&#039; button in the upper right
    4.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Folder Name&#039;, and
    &#039;Description&#039; fields
    5.Click on the &#039;new file&#039; button in the upper right
    6.Observer the &#039;Folder name&#039; XSS
    7.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Description&#039; field
    and choose a file to upload
    8.Click the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right hand corner
    9.On the resulting screen the file description XSS will appear.
    Any user with the permissions to create new files can expose other users
    of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Events ===
    The events screen fails to filter form details before creating a new events.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create an event
    2.Select &#039;Event&#039; from the &#039;-New Item-&#039; drop down in the upper right or
    navigate to index.php?m=calendar&a=addedit
    3.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Event Title&#039;, and
    &#039;Description&#039; fields
    4.Click on the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right
    5.Observe the XSS at the View Event screen
    index.php?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new event.
    Any user with the permissions to create new events can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Contacts ===
    The contacts screen fails to filter form details before creating a new
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new contact
    2.Select &#039;Contact&#039; from the &#039;-New Item-&#039; drop down in the upper right
    or navigate to index.php?m=contacts&a=addedit
    3.Fill in "<script>alert(&#039;xss&#039;);</script>" for every field
    4.Click on the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right
    5.Observe the XSS at the View Contact screen
    index.php?m=contacts&a=view&contact_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new
    Any user with the permissions to create new contacts can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Tickets ===
    The Submit Trouble Ticket screen fails to filter form details before
    creating a new ticket.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new ticket
    2.Click the &#039;Tickets&#039; link in the top navigation bar or navigate to
    3.Fill in "<script>alert(\&#039;xss\&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;E-mail&#039; field
    4.Click on the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right
    5.Observe the XSS at the View Contact screen
    index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=view&ticket=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id of the new
    Any user with the permissions to create new tickets can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Forums ===
    The Add Forum screen fails to filter form details before creating a new
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new forum
    2.Click the &#039;Forums&#039; link in the top navigation bar or navigate to
    3.Fill in "<script>alert(\&#039;xss\&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Forum Name&#039; and
    &#039;Description&#039; fields
    4.Click on the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right
    5.Observe the XSS at the Forums screen index.php?m=forums
    Any user with the permissions to create new tickets can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    == Forum Topics ===
    The Forum Add Message screen fails to filter form details before
    creating a new topic.
    Proof of Concept
    1.Log into dotProject as a user with privileges to create a new forum
    2.Click the &#039;Forums&#039; link in the top navigation bar or navigate to
    3.Click on the name of a forum
    4.Click on the &#039;start a new topic&#039; button in the upper right
    5.Fill in "<script>alert(\&#039;xss\&#039;);</script>" for the &#039;Subject&#039; and
    &#039;Message&#039; fields
    4.Click on the &#039;submit&#039; button in the lower right
    5.Observe the XSS at the Forums topics screen or
    index.php?m=forums&a=viewer&forum_id=2&message_id=X where &#039;X&#039; is the id
    of the topic
    Any user with the permissions to create new tickets can expose other
    users of dotProject to XSS attacks.
    SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
    SQL injection vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to expose
    sensitive data, such as password hashes, alter the database contents to
    introduce stored XSS vulnerabilities, reset administrative user
    passwords to allow escalation of privilege and other attacks that could
    lead to the compromise of data, user account credentials, or even the
    web server.
    The following URL&#039;s expose PHP functions that are vulnerable to SQL
    Additionally some forms allow for SQL injection:
    *The ticket creation form index.php?m=ticketsmith&a=post_ticket does
    not properly sanitize single quotes in the Name or Email fields