# Exploit Title: SHOUTcast DNAS v2.2.1 win32 XSS\HTML Injection in Song history(other version may be also affected)
# Date: 2014-06-11
# Exploit Author: robercik101
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.shoutcast.com/ ?t=373139
# Software Link: http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=373139
# Version: 2.2.1 for Win32
# Tested on: Windows 8.1
There is an XSS\HTML Injection in a song history in song history, allowing inject a JavaScript script or HTML code in site.
1. Open yours MP3 file setting, and open details overlap.
2. In the title field enter your HTML code
3. Start streaming your MP3 file via Winamp with SHOUTcast Source DSP
4. Open your SHOUTcast page (default: localhost:8000) in your favourite Internet browser, login to server (if it needed) and open Song history.
And it is all