Frog CMS 0.9.5 – Arbitrary File Upload

  • 作者: Javid Hussain
    日期: 2014-07-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • Exploit Title: Arbitrary File Upload in Frog CMS 0.9.5
    Date : 2014-07-07
    Exploit Author : Javid Hussain
    Vendor Homepage :
    # Exploit-DB Note: All authenticated users can upload files. If the file 
    # does not have execute permissions the CMS allows users to change them.
    # No need to be authenticated to trigger uploaded files.
    There is a possibility to upload arbitrary file in Frog CMS latest version
    The vulnerability exist because of the filemanager plugin is not properly
    verifying the extension of uploaded files.
    Go to http://localhost/frog_095/admin/?/plugin/file_manager/images
    Upload an executable php file
    Go to http://localhost/Frog/frog_095/public/images/
    for verification.