BitDefender GravityZone – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: SEC Consult
    日期: 2014-07-16
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20140716-3 >
    title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities
    product: Bitdefender GravityZone
     vulnerable version: <
    fixed version: >=
     impact: critical
    found: 2014-05-22
     by: Stefan Viehböck
     SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
    Vendor description:
    Bitdefender GravityZone lets enterprises control and protect the heterogeneous
    environments of today. The solution combines highly optimized virtualization
    aware security with leading detection technologies and a fresh, but proven,
    architecture. It empowers administrators with features adapted to reduce the
    daily security hassle and eliminate the need for point solutions with unified
    protection across virtualized, physical, and mobile endpoints. Unlike other
    solutions that bolt-on modules to an aging architecture, the GravityZone
    Control Center dashboard has been designed specifically to unify monitoring
    and security management in a single simple and accessible interface.
    Business recommendation:
    Attackers are able to completely compromise the Bitdefender GravityZone
    solution as they can gain system and database level access.
    Furthermore attackers can manage all endpoints.
    The Bitdefender GravityZone can be used as an entry point into the target
    infrastructure (lateral movement, privilege escalation).
    It is highly recommended by SEC Consult not to use this software until a
    thorough security review has been performed by security professionals and all
    identified issues have been resolved.
    Vulnerability overview/description:
    1) Unauthenticated local file disclosure (Web Console, Update Server)
    Unauthenticated users can read arbitrary files from the filesystem with the
    privileges of the "nginx" operating system user. These files include
    configuration files containing sensitive information such as clear text
    passwords which can be used in further attacks.
    Separate vulnerabilities affecting both Web Console and Update Server were
    2) Insecure service configuration / design issues
    The MongoDB database which is offered via the network by default (TCP ports
    27017, 28017) can be accessed using hardcoded credentials which can't be
    changed. The overall system design requires the database to be accessible via
    the network.
    All relevant GravityZone configuration data can be accessed and changed. This
    includes the user table.
    Excerpt from the documentation describing the TCP port 27017:
    "Default port used by the Communication Server and Control Center to access
    the Database."
    3) Missing authentication
    Authentication is not required for certain scripts in the web UI. This
    allows unauthenticated attackers to execute administrative functions without
    prior authentication.
    Proof of concept:
    1) Unauthenticated local file disclosure (Web Console, Update Server)
    Arbitrary files can be downloaded via a vulnerable script:
    The Update Server is vulnerable to local file disclosure as well. Arbitrary
    files can be downloaded using the following HTTP request:
    GET /%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/etc/passwd HTTP/1.1
    Host: <host>:7074
    2) Insecure service configuration / Design issues
    Attackers can connect to MongoDB on TCP ports 27017 and 28017 using the
    following hardcoded credentials:
    Username: <removed>
    Password: <removed>
    Detailed proof of concept exploits have been removed for this vulnerability.
    3) Missing authentication
    Authentication is not required for the following script:
    /webservice/CORE/downloadSignedCsr (Unauthenticated certificate upload)
    Vulnerable / tested versions:
    The vulnerabilities have been verified to exist in GravityZone,
    which was the most recent version at the time of discovery.
    Vendor contact timeline:
    2014-05-26: Sending responsible disclosure policy and requesting encryption
    2014-05-26: Vendor responds providing encryption keys.
    2014-05-26: Sending advisory and proof of concept exploit via encrypted
    2014-05-26: Vendor confirms receipt.
    2014-06-04: Requesting status update.
    2014-06-14: Vendor provides status update. Update will be released "End of
    2014-06-26: Vendor provides status update. Update for issue #1 and #3 will
    be released June 30. Update for issue #2 will be released at the
    			end of July.
    2014-06-27: Requesting info about other affected products. Clarifying
    disclosure of issue #2.
    2014-07-09: Vendor confirms that update for issue #1 and #3 has been shipped
    and KB article for issue #2 will be released.
    2014-07-15: Requesting version numbers of affected products.
    2014-07-16: SEC Consult releases coordinated security advisory.
    Update to a more recent version of Bitdefender GravityZone _and_
    implement mitigations for the issue #2.
    More information can be found at:
    No workaround available.
    Advisory URL:
    SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
    SEC Consult
    Vienna - Bangkok - Frankfurt/Main - Montreal - Singapore - Vilnius
    Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna, Austria
    Phone: +43 1 8903043 0
    Fax: +43 1 8903043 15
    Mail: research at sec-consult dot com
    EOF Stefan Viehböck / @2014